Chapter 41

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Chapter 41: Chances

Merielle screamed. The Cruciatus Curse was even worse than she imagined. It was like a thousand white-hot knives were being twisted into her body. Her bones were on fire. Her screams echoed round the room, and Draco's face twisted in anguish. Merielle thrashed about, feeling the pain heighten. It was unbearable. Her insides were splitting apart. She could feel her head exploding as her body thrummed with agony.

"What else did you take? What else have you got!" screeched Bellatrix, her shrill shrieks matching Merielle's screams in pitch. It was a wonder the glass hadn't shattered yet.

"We didn't take anything!" sobbed Merielle. 

"STOP LYING TO ME! WHAT ELSE HAVE YOU GOT, ANSWER ME!" shrieked the demented woman, "If you don't, I swear I'll cruciate you until you turn as insane as those pathetic Longbottoms! Crucio! CRUCIO!"

"We didn't! We didn't! Please!" Merielle screamed, the tears running down her face. Already, she could feel herself slipping away. She just wanted the pain to end.

 She had been wrong. The Cruciatus Curse really was even more painful than a broken heart.

Draco was torn in turmoil. He wanted to scream at Bellatrix to stop. Merielle's screams rang in his ears, and he knew that they would haunt him more than any nightmare. He couldn't bear seeing her like this, defenceless and in pain...whilst he watched, unable to do anything...

Merielle managed to meet Draco's eyes, trying desperately to convey to him not to do anything. It wouldn't end well for any of them. He struggled for a few moments, face contorted, then his fist unclenched.

"We've never even been inside your vault..." sobbed Merielle, "It's a copy, just a copy..."

"Oh, a likely story!" snarled Bellatrix, wand raised.

"But we can find out easily! Fetch the goblin, Narcissa," said Lucius.

Seconds later, Narcissa had dragged Griphook up to Bellatrix.

"Well?" demanded Bellatrix. Merielle looked desperately at the goblin. This was it. They were done for.

"It's a copy, miss," said Griphook. Merielle stared at him. Harry and Ron must've bribed him...

There was a noise from below.

"What was that?" screeched Bellatrix, "What was that noise? Wormtail, go check the cellar!" Wormtail hurried away, and she turned back to the two girls, who met each other's eyes.

"Now, I will give you one last chance before I torture you until your last breath leaves your body," she hissed.

"Like hell you will!" snarled a familiar voice, "Expelliarmus!" Ron's spell disarmed Bellatrix, and her wand sailed through the air, landing neatly in Harry's hand.

"Stupefy!" Harry yelled, and Lucius dropped to the floor, his wine glass shattering onto the floor in a burgundy bloom. Narcissa dashed over to her husband. 

Spells ricocheted to and fro. With a heavy breath, Merielle staggered to her feet, swaying precariously. Draco made to move towards her, but Harry reached her first, grabbing her and pushing her behind him protectively. Draco's eyes narrowed. 

"STOP OR SHE DIES!" Roared Bellatrix, and they all froze. Bellatrix was holding a limp Hermione, the knife at her throat, "Drop. your. wands." Ron glared at her balefully.

"I said drop them!" Slowly, Harry and Ron dropped the wands.

"Pick them up, Draco," Bellatrix hissed. Draco scooped up the wands, his eyes flitting over to Merielle's, who stared back at him with wide, frightened eyes. Potter glared ferociously at him, and Draco hurried back to his mother's side.

"Well, well. Look what we have. Harry Potter, all new and shiny just in time for the Dark Lord. Call him, Draco." Draco hesitated, glancing at Merielle. But Lucius didn't, and pulled up his left sleeve, revealing the Dark Mark that Merielle detested so much. His index finger hovered over the mark, and he was just about to press down.

There was a rather peculiar squeaking sound, and they looked upwards. Merielle's eyes widened. Dobby was clinging on to the chandelier, unscrewing it from the ceiling. Then it came plummeting down, shattering onto the floor. Bellatrix released Hermione in shock, leaping backwards out of the way. 

"Come with us, Draco," Merielle gasped. Draco stared at her in shock.

"I know you're not evil. You're not one of them, Draco."

"It's too late."

"No," she vehemently shook her head, "It's never too late. I won't let you be harmed, I promise...please, come with me. We can take your parents too." She reached out a hand towards him. Draco looked at her outstretched hand, then looked back at her pleading expression.

He thought about it. He really did. The Order had many safe houses. His parents would be safe. But then again...they were already Death Eaters. Part of the Dark Lord's inner circle. And the Order was probably after his blood for being the reason Dumbledore was dead. They would never forgive him. Even Merielle looked as if she hadn't forgiven him yet.

"I'm sorry, Meri," he whispered, "I can't." He stepped back, away from her. Merielle's blood pounded in her veins. Her eyes were fixed on him. She barely registered Harry yanking the wands out of Draco's grip, including his own. Draco didn't seem to realise either. She didn't even notice Ron grabbing Hermione, nor Dobby taking Narcissa's wand. 

She just stared at him in disbelief.

"Draco...."she breathed. His eyes held a pained look. 

Then Dobby wrenched them all away. She caught the flash of silver as the gleaming knife spun through the air, heading directly for them.

Even as he saw her disappear with the others, Draco wondered if he was doing the right thing.

If Merielle would ever forgive him at all.

She'd given him so many chances, and he'd destroyed every one. 

She probably hated him. Thought he was truly one of them, since he had rejected her so many times. 

She probably thought he'd chosen being a Death Eater over her.

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