Chapter 56

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Chapter 56: Amycus Carrow

By 'everything exploded', it was not meant in the metaphorical sense, such as everything seemed to explode and disappear, leaving just Merielle and Draco. In fact, that would've been what preferedly happened.

Instead, everything literally exploded. 

The floor burst beneath their feet, sending broken floor and splinters flying up into the air. Seats crashed into one another and toppled over. Merielle's wand was already out. The problem was, she couldn't see any potential attackers. That all changed quickly when the formal robes of some Ministry officials morphed into dark robes, masks covering their faces. Curses began to zap around the room.

There were screams all around as people desperately surged towards the exit.

"It's locked!" cried one of them. The panic escalated. The person who had cried out crumpled to the floor, hit by an all-too familiar green curse. Merielle was firing directly into the crowd, her aim precise, deliberate. One of the masked ones fell. She managed to take out another before, in her peripheral vision, she saw one coming at her. Swinging round, Merielle's fist connected with their stomach. A grunt and a few stumbling steps, but nothing else. She guessed the material was tough. Ducking beneath his (she had deduced it was a man) swinging fist, she swiftly kicked him behind the knees, sending him tumbling across the floor. Within moments he was up, running straight for her. Merielle shot a few curses before bringing her knee up, right between his legs. There was a yowl of pain as he doubled over, and she took the advantage to knock him out with a curse.

"Merielle!" She turned to see Harry shoot down one of the masked people before he looked at her, chest heaving. "What is going on here?"

"Unwanted, and unexpected, intruders. We have to get the people out of here, but catch the intruders," she grimly answered.

"The Malfoys-" Harry began.

Merielle's eyes snapped over to where the Malfoys were still helplessly bound to their seats, their frantic eyes darting round the room in a panic. She was already off, pushing past people and leaping over broken items as debris and dust showered down on her. Draco looked at her desperately as she approached.

"Merielle, look, I know you hate me, and you have every reason to and I really don't blame you but out of the goodness of your heart and that courage and justice you hold could you please free u-" 

He didn't even get to finish his very long -and rushed- sentence before she had freed him and his parents. They all stared at her in dumb disbelief.

"You're already being tracked, so there's no use making a run for it. I'm only doing this to prevent you from being killed. How else are we going to extract information from you if you're dead?" She said coolly. Then turned and blasted someone away. They smashed into the wall, then went limp. 

"Get them!" One hollered. For a moment, Merielle thought they were talking about her, Harry, Hermione, Kingsley and such. But then she saw that a group of the masked individuals were heading directly for the Malfoys. She exhaled, glowering at Draco.

"How many times do I have to save your sorry ass?"

Merielle took careful aim and precision at the incoming attackers, firing a volley of curses. Some hit their mark, some didn't, ricocheting into the walls. Then she launched herself at them, her heels connecting with bone, her sharp elbows and fists with flesh. Merielle even took the courtesy of stabbing one in the eye with the tip of her wand. One of the men grabbed her arm in a vice-like hold, twisting it. Merielle twisted her body too, bringing her heel round to stab into an area that would definitely hurt. He released her abruptly, hissing in pain. She calmly dispatched him. After all, these people were underestimating her. She had grown up being trained in all arts. 

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