Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: Hogwarts

*Merielle's POV*

The Hogwarts Express soon slowed to a stop.

"Where's Harry?" Ron asked. Harry had gone off during the journey, saying something about Malfoy.

"He's probably already off," said Hermione, "Let's go." I followed them out into the evening.

We got into a carriage together and it trundled up to the castle. At last, Hogwarts loomed above us and I gasped in delight. It was even more magical in real life and looked stunning at night. The immense structure was framed by the twilight sky, where the moon and the first stars had begun to appear. Hundreds of golden lights glowed from the castle, creating a welcoming scene.

"Impressive, isn't it?" grinned Ron. I nodded, too in awe to speak. We got down and made our way into the Great Hall, which completely took my breath away. How wonderful was this place? Just then, a tall, stern-looking lady in green robes and a pointed hat came up to us.

"You must be the new girl. I am Professor McGonagall, Deputy Headmistress. We are very glad to have you here, Miss Stargline. Please follow me." She looked at Ron and Hermione, frowning.

"And where is Potter?" She asked.

"No idea," shrugged Ron, "He should be here."

"Good luck," Hermione whispered to me as the professor led me away. I smiled gratefully.
Professor McGonagall told me to wait out of sight as she addressed the students. The first years stood in line.

"Dear students, Hogwarts welcomes you back. This year, however, we have a new student joining us. She will be sorted and will start her sixth year." She gestured me forwards. I realised I had to give a speech.

"Um, I'm Merielle Stargline."

Instantly, frantic whispers followed. McGonagall called for silence.

"I realise that many of you might have heard of my surname. I am very lucky to be able to come here and I hope to do my best. My family lived in Los Angeles in America before we moved to London because of my parents' jobs. I have heard a lot about Hogwarts as my mother, Savannah Stargline, studied here. I cannot wait to begin." I saw Harry sit down next to Ron and Hermione. Where had he been?

"Thank you, Miss Stargline. The Sorting Hat will decide your house." I sat down on the stool and saw Draco Malfoy watching me intently. I mentally rolled my eyes.

"Ah, Merielle Stargline. I remember your mother well. You're a charismatic and charming lady, but also loyal and compassionate, smart and loves to learn yet cunning and ambitious, with high dreams. Hmm... tricky. But a strong sense of good will and righteousness. I think....yes, yes...GRYFFINDOR!" There was much applause and cheering. Malfoy wore a disgusted expression. Harry, Ron and Hermione congratulated me I sat down, beaming. My parents would be proud.

"You can hang out with us," smiled Hermione.

"I'd love to!" I replied enthusiastically. The first years were sorted and Dumbledore gave his speech. Then the plates were piled high with the most opulent food. My mouth watered and I tucked in.

"Harry, where were you?" Hermione hissed. Harry glanced around.

"I was spying on Malfoy. Something's up, I know it. He discovered me and broke my nose before going. Tonks found me."

"I thought I saw Malfoy imitating something about a nose," growled Ron. I shook my head in disbelief.

"I've only known him for a few hours and he's already so horrible."

"That's Malfoy for you," Harry laughed humorlessly, "He's the worst. His cronies Crabbe and Goyle follow him anywhere. Pansy Parkinson swoons over him and she is real evil. Just avoid Slytherins in general." I nodded. At the Slytherin table, Parkinson was literally in Malfoy's lap, batting her eyelashes at him. I smiled as Professor McGonagall came up to us.

"Miss Stargline, we have contacted your school and they have told us your chosen subjects. Here is your timetable." I frowned.

"What's a timetable?" I asked. Harry, Ron and Hermione were looking at me like I had grown a second head.

"Well," Said Professor McGonagall, "I suppose the Americans call it a schedule, am I correct?" And she handed me my schedule.

"Yes," I said, relieved.

"Tomorrow first thing you have a free period. The headmaster wants to see you during then."

"Of course, professor."

Hermione and Ron, being prefects, knew the password and the portrait swung open. Inside was a warm, lovely common room, with Gryffindor banners hanging from the ceiling, red wallpaper patterned with golden lions, red velvet curtains, red carpets and red armchairs. A fire crackled merrily in the fireplace.

"So you are Merielle Stargline?" asked a boy.

"Yes, I am."

"I'm Seamus Finnigan. An honour to meet you." I nodded. Why did everyone recognise my name?

"It's getting late, let's go to bed," said Hermione. We bid each other goodnight then Hermione and I trudged to our dorm. My trunk was there but I was too tired to unpack so I simply showered and changed before falling into a deep sleep. My adventure at Hogwarts had started.

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