Chapter 25

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Chapter 25: This is what it feels like

The morning of my birthday, I felt miserable inside and out. I just wanted to curl up and never have to face the world again. I knew that I should be happy and overjoyed. I was finally of age, something I had always longed for. I was seventeen. The Trace on me was gone. But I only felt hollow and empty. If I thought the pain would subside over time, I couldn't have been more wrong. It only grew, and was still as sharp and fresh as ever.

"Happy birthday, Ella," said Hermione brightly.

"Happy birthday," Lavender and Parvati chorused.

"Thank you," I smiled softly, grateful for them. There was a pile of presents by the edge of my bed, and I reached for them. Harry had gotten me a golden necklace, with a glass and ruby Quaffle dangling from it. I was suddenly conscious of the rose-gold necklace Draco had gotten me still round my neck. It was time to end this for good. I tugged it off, placed it in a box and tucked it away in my trunk. Then I clasped Harry's necklace round my neck. Just to be clear, I did not have any romantic feelings for him. He was basically like another brother to me. Ron had gotten me a box of Cauldron Cakes, Xander a new scarf, Hermione a set of books, Lavender some beauty essentials and Parvati a pair of white gloves. My parents and my brother had also sent over some presents, and even Clarice had bought me something. Neville and Ginny's presents were there too
There was one final present. Frowning, I unwrapped it to discover a plain black box.

I opened it to find a bejewelled hair comb glittering amongst the black velvet. It winked up at me amongst its gold and crystals. There was no note, but I noticed a single word inscribed on the back.


My breath hitched in my throat. Why would he ever send me anything, let alone something like this? We were done.

It must be a joke. Another chance to get my hopes up, then crush them again, I thought bitterly, snapping the lid shut, He can have it back.

We walked down to breakfast together. Harry and Ron were already there, with Neville and Ginny.

"Happy birthday, Ella," they chorused.

"Thank you. You guys are amazing," I smiled.

Of course, we still had lessons today, not to mention Potions. I calmly took my seat. A few moments later, I felt Draco slid into his seat beside me, but I kept my eyes firmly ahead. He didn't speak to me either.

We both silently brewed our potions, barely sparing the other a glance.

"Miss Eastside, is it?" Slughorn was talking to one of the students. I snapped my head up at the horrifyingly familiar name.

"Yes, Imogen Eastside," the blonde Slytherin replied, and with a shock that seemed to course through my body, I realised that she was the very same girl Draco had been snogging every time I passed them. Imogen Eastside. The girl he cheated on me with. Of course. There was a bitter taste in my mouth. Of all the people, and he chose to be with her now. I bit my lip, trying hard not to scream as I worked on my potion. But of course he always breaks the silence.

"You're not wearing the necklace I gave you for Christmas," he pointed out quietly, "You never took it off."

"Time's changed," was all I said, stirring the contents of my cauldron.

"So you replaced it with another necklace? Who gave it to you, your new boyfriend? Or should I say ex-turned-lover." I paused.

"What in Merlin's name are you talking about?" I asked.

"Oh please," he sneered, "How are you and Hollister hitting it on? Perfect couple, hey? Shagging him now, you slut?" I was so shocked the knife I was holding to chop up the ingredients slipped and sliced across my palm.

"Shit," I muttered as a drop of blood oozed out. I hastily picked up my wand, aware of Draco watching me intently. I quickly cast a healing spell, and watched as the cut healed. Then I glared at Draco.

"What did you just call me?" I asked quietly. He smirked.

"I called you slut. Who else have you been hooking up with? Potter? Weasley? Longbottom?" I stared at him in disbelief, afraid that if I spoke, I would cry again. I just turned back round to finish my potion. Draco scoffed in disgust before turning back to his. I hastily finished the potion and handed the sample to Slughorn.

"Absolutely perfect, Miss Stargline," he beamed. I just nodded bleakly and went back to my seat, gathering my things quickly. I couldn't stand it in here any longer.

"So who's the necklace from?" Draco hissed as I slung my bag over my shoulder. I swallowed.

"Harry," I said, turning to leave. There was a short pause.

"Slut," Draco spat. I slammed the black box with the bejewelled comb onto the table, breathing heavily.

"You can have your gift back," I sneered, "I don't want it. Give it to dear Imogen or something." He didn't have time to clear the shocked expression on his face. I willed myself not to let any tears betray me as I hurried out of the classroom.

Once I had put a good distance between myself and the dungeons, I sank down onto the stone steps, crying. I couldn't help it. The words, his tone of voice...they sent fresh stabs of pain through me. Minutes later, Harry sat down beside me.

"I saw you leave early, so finished quickly too to check up on you," he said quietly, "We could always ask Slughorn for you to move seats."

"I already asked, but he said no," I said bitterly.

"What did Malfoy say?" Harry asked.

"He called me a slut," I whispered, "and asked if I'd been hooking up with a bunch of different boys now." Harry's muscles tensed. His jaw was stiff with anger.

"I could always go and hex him. I saw this spell in the Half-Blood Prince's book. It was labelled 'for enemies'. I could always see what it does."

"No, don't. I don't want you getting into trouble for me."

"You can't just let him do that to you," said Harry furiously, "How dare he! Calling you a... I honestly cannot believe it." He hugged me tightly, and I leaned into it. I desperately needed solace. And that's what best friends were for.

"How did it feel, Harry, when you used to see Ginny and Dean happily together? When you saw them snogging?" He stiffened.

"I see the way you look at her, Harry. I know," I whispered, my miserable thoughts drifting to Draco. We looked up to the sound of footsteps. Draco walked by us, with Eastside clinging onto him, giggling. He noticed me, and his features scrunched up in disgust as he saw me being held by Harry.

Draco immediately turned and crashed his lips against Eastside's. Her hands automatically found their way to his hair and he picked her up bridal-style as the two of them walked away, their lips never leaving. I leaned my head on Harry's shoulder, crying.

"It feels like this," he said quietly.

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