Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: Roasting Malfoy

*Merielle's POV*

I practically fled from the dungeon as soon as Potions finished. I couldn't stand being in the same place as that jerk. I was happy that Harry had got the Felix Felicis, though Hermione was disgruntled. I did agree with her, however, that the book was sketchy. We had two periods then break so I hurried outside. The late summer sunshine glowed down and I let it shine on me. Students were already heading out, most in groups. But I just wanted some alone time, to enjoy the scenery.

I walked through the grass, passing the Black Lake where Malfoy and his goons were fooling around under a tree. He didn't notice me, thankfully. A gentle breeze played with my hair as I walked, not really knowing where I was heading. I sat down on the top of a little grassy slope. It had a perfect view of Hogwarts. I sensed someone's presence behind me and turned. A boy sat down beside me. I recognised him as Xander Hollister, a Gryffindor boy in my year who was slightly older than me. He was quite popular and had a bunch of girls swooning for him. Like Malfoy, I thought. But Xander was kind, sweet, fun to be with and liked a good laugh. He made you feel comfortable. Xander had brown hair and light blue eyes. He was tanned from being in the sun for too long.

"Hey," I said, "You're Xander Hollister, right? Beater on the Quidditch team?"

"Yeah, that's me," he laughed, "but I still have to try out again this year."

"I'm considering trying out too. I was on the Quidditch team at my old school. Seeker."

"Well, good luck. Anyways, isn't the view nice here? Sometimes I just like to come here and sit down for some alone time to chill. Take a break from my fans, you know?" he joked. I laughed. Yes, Xander did have a fan club.

"I think the Quidditch team for Gryffindor this year will be great, with Potter as Captain. He's a really good Seeker."

"So I've heard."

"How is it like, moving school?"

"Mm, I suppose it's not too bad, you know. Sure, I miss my old friends but I've made new ones here and so it's easier to let go now. And Hogwarts is wonderful. I feel so at home here."

"I know, right? I love it here. It's been nice talking to you, Stargline. See you around." He jumped up, smiled warmly, then left. Just then, the bell rang. Transfiguration class next. 

I sat next to Hermione, who asked,

"Where were you at break?"

"Admiring the scenery," I answered indifferently. She nodded as Professor McGonagall came in.

"Alright class, we will be practising on how to turn a feather from a bird into a hamster. Now, this is a bit more complex as birds and hamsters are two completely different creatures. Watch me carefully." She laid a feather on her desk and pointed her wand at it.

"Transmus Creatarius!" she said in a clear, loud voice. The feather transformed into a hamster. Some people clapped. Professor McGonagall turned it back and faced us again.

"You must draw a circle with you wand for the first word of the spell, then a flick upwards and a loop downwards on the second word. Picture the feather turning into a hamster clearly in your mind." She waved her wand and a feather landed on each person's desk.

"You may begin."

I successfully turned the feather into a hamster and back on my fifth try. Looking around, I saw that most had not managed to even turn the feather into a bird. Hermione had managed to turn it into a white hamster and was trying to turn it back.

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