Chapter 58

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Chapter 58: Reconcile

Under the Ministry's careful supervision, no news of the Darkslayer escaped. Of course, there was nothing they could do to stop the public from knowing about the break-in. It was all over the media. And soon it was also common knowledge that the attackers were either after Hermione, Kingsley, Harry and Merielle, or the Malfoys. Or both. The Malfoys were received with mixed responses. Merielle was careful to not step out in public for a few days following the attack.

"So what's this I hear about an attack on the Ministry?" Her father, Javier, asked. Merielle seemed surprised.

"You know about it?"

"Well of course I do," Javier said, slightly offended, "It's all over the news."

"I thought you cut off contact with the outside world," Merielle was astounded. Her father shrugged.

"Can't spend all my days confined to this mansion. You are alright, aren't you? I can't have you getting yourself hurt."

Merielle smiled despite the gravity of it all. "Of course I'm fine, Dad. You don't need to worry about me."

"I'll always worry about you, Elle. You are my daughter." He ruffled her hair affectionately, causing Merielle to playfully scowl.

"Dad, I'm a grown woman, not five. Honestly." She shook her head in mock disapproval, and Javier chuckled. Merielle studied her father. He was improving by the day, she could see that. Some colour had returned to his face, and there was a faint spark in his eyes again. Merielle had cared for him following her mother's death, making sure that he would not succumb to any sort of darkness.

Her family was one of the purest people she knew. And she didn't mean only by blood, but by their hearts and souls. Losing her mother had been a terrible, terrible blow. But Merielle would make sure they recovered. Jamal and Clarice had been checking in with them via letters, but were unable to come visit due to how busy their schedules were.

"You have been getting fresh air during the day, haven't you Dad?" She questioned.

"Of course, Elle. I couldn't possibly not, what with your insistence and all."

Merielle smiled with relief. Yes, it was taking years for her father to recover from the loss of his wife, but Merielle was almost certain he would be alright.

"So how's things going at the Ministry?" Javier asked, sipping on tea. Father and daughter were sat on the veranda, facing the long driveway that led to the gates of the mansion. The fountains were merrily spewing water.

Merielle hesitated, looking out over the well-tended lawns and blossoming flowers.

"It's been quite...busy, you could say. All the departments are occupied. This case is far more complicated than we originally thought. We've only interrogated a few of those we caught from the Ministry attack. It seems they've all been given a certain pill, and the rest have taken it before they could be interrogated."

"Do you have any idea who could be behind this?" Her father asked worriedly.

Oh yes. A certain Darkslayer who wishes to finish off what Voldemort started, whatever that is. But we don't know his true identity.

"No, no we don't. A squad are currently inspecting an intriguing area up north in Leicestershire. It seems that there's been criminal activity, and that of a magical kind too. We've received reports of these accounts in all sorts of places."

"Are they in any way connected?" A crease had appeared between her father's eyebrows. His years of MACUSA and Ministry instincts were kicking in.

"Not that we can find. So far, the reports have come in from London, Wiltshire, Cambridgeshire, West Midlands and Leicestershire . It all seems quite random."

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