Chapter 17

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Chapter 17: Love's Keen Sting

I had to take the Floo Network to Hogwarts. It was a Ministry one-off as a way to secure the safety of the students. I tumbled out onto Professor McGonagall's carpet.

"Ah, Miss Stargline!" She smiled at me, "Welcome back to Hogwarts. Your friends arrived a few minutes ago, actually."

"Thank you, professor." I smiled, hooking my bag onto my shoulder.

I was on my way to the Gryffindor common room when an icy hand shot out and gripped my wrist, spinning me inwards. Before I could scream, a second icy hand clamped around my mouth.

"Calm down, you lunatic, it's me," Draco's familiar voice hissed lowly in my ear. I stopped struggling as I whirled around to face him.

"There was no need to give me a heart attack," I huffed. He merely smirked. I realised that we were in a compromising position, what with me pressed up against the wall, and him towering over me. His hand snaked around my neck, his fingers dancing downwards, leaving cold tingles on my skin. Draco's eyes lit up as he found what he was looking for, and pulled the necklace out by its chain.

"Ah ha!" He let the light catch onto the gem, where it sparkled.

"It really is lovely," I said, "Thank you so much." Draco tucked the necklace back in, his fingers skimming over my bare skin.

"Well, your gift was nice too," he smirked, and I chuckled.

"How was your Christmas, Draco?" He froze momentarily before responding,

"As good as it gets at Hogwarts. It gave me some peace and quiet, though. Absolutely refreshing after those rowdy Slytherins."

"You're a Slytherin yourself," I reminded him.

"Oh whatever."

"It was nice seeing you, Draco. I have to get back to Gryffindor Tower now."

"Fine. I'll see you around then."

"Sure." I didn't know what I was supposed to feel. Here he was, being all friendly, whilst I had to spy on him, discovering his secrets, that is, if he was hiding something. I ground my teeth in frustration as I reached the portrait. Why couldn't it have been someone else?

I spotted the three of them almost immediately as I walked through. The common room was mostly full. It seemed like quite a number of people wanted to be here.

"Ella!" greeted Hermione warmly, giving me a hug.

"Hello, Mione, Harry, Ron," I smiled, hugging each of them in turn.

"Missed us?" joked Ron. I chuckled.

"You could say that." I had begun to sit down but jumped nearly a foot into the air when there was a loud shriek.

"Won-Won!" squealed Lavender, hurtling herself into Ron's arms as several onlookers sniggered.

"There's a table over there," Hermione gave a tinkling laugh, "Coming, Ella, Harry?"

"Yeah sure," I said hastily, not wanting to witness Ron and Lavender having a make-out fest. The three of us went over to an empty table, away from prying ears.

"I need to tell you both something about Lupin," Harry said immediately, "He's not doing great. Have you heard of this Fenrir Greyback? Werewolf?" I gasped in horror.

"I have. He likes to feast on people and is an absolute disgusting, horrible, vile, cannibalistic monster."

"I have too, and so have you, Harry!" Hermione exclaimed. Harry frowned.

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