Chapter 6

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Chapter 6: Change of Events

*Merielle's POV*

At last. Dinner. I plonked myself down at the table and dug in. It had been such an eventful day, and I was sick of it all. Did Malfoy honestly think that I would go out with him just because he was nice to me in Potions? And anyways that incident was so his fault. Sure, I may have liked that caring side of him but for all I know it could all have been an act. I had a swig of pumpkin juice, and I remembered my meeting with Dumbledore. It all came back to me. I had been so busy that I hadn't thought about it but now my mind drifted back.

I was walking to Dumbledore's office and stopped at the stone gargoyle.

"Password?" It demanded.

"Lemon drops," I answered confidently, remembering the password McGonagall gave me. It stepped aside and I stepped onto the revolving stairs that carried me up to the Headmaster's office. I politely knocked on the door.

"Come in," came the pleasant but slightly weary voice. I mean, the past year hadn't been easy, what with Voldemort's return, the Ministry, and Merlin knows what else. I entered into a neatly-cluttered, warm room. He motioned for me to sit in the chair opposite me, and I did. Dumbledore clasped his hands before him on the table. I noticed that one of them was bandaged.

"Professor, is your hand ok?" I asked.

"Yes, I'm fine. There's no need to worry. Now, I'm sure you're confused as to why you're here so let me explain." His kind, blue eyes regarded me from over his half-moon spectacles on his nose.

"I was well-associated with your parents. Your mother came to Hogwarts and was such a bright and friendly lady, devoted to the good cause. Your parents were both selfless people who fought valiantly against evil. But I think it's time for you to know why you have been so cut off from the Order and anyone your parents associated with the past for these long years." He took a picture from his desk and placed it before me. It was in a pretty, rectangular frame, and the girl in the picture was moving as she laughed. She looked to be only three years old, barely a child. The girl had hazel eyes and straight, dark hair, as dark as mine. Her skin was fair, with rosy cheeks.

"Who is this, Professor?" I questioned. He looked at me with sad eyes.

"That, my dear, was your sister Jennifer Ava Stargline." He let the news sink in. My sister? I only had a brother. I remembered his use of past tense and frowned.

"You said 'was'. Not 'is', 'was'. And how is this possible?"

"I am terribly sorry. The Order had reached the peak of the war and your parents kept your brother and sister in their house. Your mother was pregnant with you at the time. But Voldemort came for your siblings after having diverted your parents. He wanted to cause as much grief as possible, for he hated your parents, almost as much as he hates Harry Potter. They did him much damage. So he came to the house, broke the defenses and found your siblings. Your parents came just in time but were unable to save Jennifer. But it was Bellatrix who used the Killing Curse on her. She was three, and your brother five." Tears pooled in my eyes.

"What happened next?" I asked in a strangled tone.

"Well, your parents were devastated. We all tried our hardest, but they never got over the loss. After Voldemort was gone, they took you all and vanished. Nobody knew of their whereabouts, not even I. The last I heard of them was that your mother had set up a company and your father had gotten a good job. We tried to get in contact but they moved from Florida, to Spain, to Washington D.C, to Germany, to LA. It was clear that they wanted to be left alone. Your middle name was named after her." I nodded silently. A sister I had never met, whose death had been ordered by Voldemort. I hated him. There were no words to describe the loathing I felt towards that monster. How could he kill such a young, innocent child? And it all made sense. Why my family had moved so much.

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