Chapter 59

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Chapter 59: Another chance

Merielle shut the door to Stargline Mansion behind her and leaned against it, breathing heavily. Her head whirled with images of Draco, Draco and more Draco. She slowly pushed herself onto her two feet and turned to look into the large ornate mirror that hung in the hallway. Her hair was slightly dishevelled, her brown eyes wide, and her cheeks flushed. Her lips were redder than they had been and were swollen from Draco's needy kisses. Merielle stared at herself, arranging her hair. What was to become of the two of them now? She and Draco needed to talk this through. She wasn't even sure what she could call this.

Merielle knew that she was attracted to Draco, no matter how hard she tried to fight it. But she still wasn't sure if she could trust him again. She was a sensible, independent, fiery woman. Everyone knew that much. She wasn't one of those silly, shallow damsel-in-distresses who needed a strong, muscly man. But Draco sparked feelings and emotions in her that she knew she could never feel with another guy.

"Elle?" She turned just as her father walked in. "I thought I heard you come in. Read this." He thrust a letter into her hands. Frowning, Merielle reopened the opened letter. The words were written in a very familiar handwriting.

Dear Dad and Merielle,

First of all, I hope that you are both doing well. I heard about the attack on the Ministry, so I hope that you're safe, Merielle. Clarice and I are both doing fine. But there's something I need to tell the two of you about.

Mum's business had still been running smoothly even after her death, since she managed it so well. I didn't need to do much other than check in every now and then, and manage a couple of things. But I think I knew that it wouldn't last like this. Sure enough, the business is falling slightly now. I fear that everything Mum created will be in ruins.

I would step in and manage it, believe me I would, but there's this issue of me being the Head Auror of MACUSA. The job doesn't exactly allow me a lot of time to go and manage a global business. And I absolutely hate to have to bring you two into it all, but the business requires a direct family member of Mum's to handle. She worked so hard to bring it to life and I hate to think that it would fall. I also hate to ask this, but could one of you just come over and help with the business?

I'm sorry, I know how much you must be going through but I...I just don't know what to do. I've unsuccessfully tried to juggle both the business and my job. I can't think of an alternative but if you can, please tell me.

Yours Truly,

Jamal Stargline

Merielle looked up, folding the letter again. Her father shrugged.

"I can't think of anything either."

Merielle sighed, trying to run a list of possible alternatives. None worked. "Nor can I. So what now?"

"Well, I guess we can only go with the only option. I have to go back to America and help with Savannah's business."

Merielle was about to respond when his words registered. "Wait, what?" she demanded sharply. "You can't possibly be saying that you're going back?"

"Of course I am." Her father sighed. "I know you're going to argue, Elle, but think this through. You're needed at the Ministry. They aren't going to survive through this without you and your leadership skills. But me? I'm more than free to go back."

"I just don't want the whole thing to-"

"-overwhelm me?" Javier gave her a small smile. "I understand your concern, Elle, but really, I'll be fine. No, don't give me that look. I'm doing far better now. Sure, I do miss her, but we have to all move on. Savannah ran a global business empire. If that crashes, how many other things are going to crash with it?"

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