Chapter 22

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Chapter 22: Horrible deception

When I awoke, I heard a chorus of relieved signs and fretful voices. My eyes came into focus, and I found myself in the hospital wing. Madam Pomfrey was leaning over me, checking my pulse and temperature. My eyes scanned the room. Professors Dumbledore and McGonagall were standing there, looking at me with soft expressions. The anxious faces of Harry, Hermione, Ron, Ginny and Neville. Then the last person I ever wanted to see, holding my hand with a pained look in his eyes. He evidently didn't know why I'd inflicted self-harm. I couldn't help it; I let out a shrill scream and tore my hand out of his grasp, squirming away.

"Get him AWAY him from me!" I screeched. They jumped, then immediately turned to Draco, who looked confused.


"Shut UP!" I shrieked, "GET OUT!" His face contorted.

"I don't understand-"

"REMOVE HIM FROM MY SIGHT!" I cried, then gripped Hermione tightly.

"Mr Malfoy, you must leave at once. You are distressing my patient," said Madam Pomfrey firmly.

"But I-"

"You leave right now, Malfoy. When I find out what you've done to her, you're so dead," spat Harry.

"Get out," snarled Ron. All their faces were hostile. Draco glanced at me one more time, then silently left. Only after he was gone did I relax, release Hermione and sink back into the bed. Madam Pomfrey began anxiously checking me. She began changing the bandages on my arms, applying Essence of Dittany and various Healing Spells on my cuts and bruises. My broken heart still throbbed with fresh pain. She then gave me a Calming Drought, which I took.

"Drink this. It'll make you feel better, dear." She handed me a glass of a pearly liquid, and I drank. It smoothly slid down my throat and seemed to help the rawness and to clear my head slightly.

"I'll leave you for now," Madam Pomfrey said, glancing around at the small party gathered round my bed. She disappeared into her office.

"Ella, how are you feeling?" Ginny asked me.

"Dead, but still hurting," I responded truthfully, causing them to glance at each other.

"It was lucky I decided that I shouldn't leave you alone like that," said Hermione, "Who knows what you might've done."

"You gave us all quite a fright, Miss Stargline," Professor McGonagall said quietly, "Whatever drove you to such extremes? You were always a sensible, logistical girl."

"I wasn't thinking straight; I couldn't think. It -it was just too much. Too unbearable."

"What was?" asked Ginny quietly. I felt that stab of pain twist its way into my heart again, and a lump formed in my throat.

"I think it's best advisory if we leave, Minerva," said Dumbledore gently, "Miss Stargline is well-tended to by her friends. Look out for her, won't you?"

"We will," Harry assured, and the others nodded solemnly.

"Well then, just remember, you are a very strong girl, and you are one of the brightest students I have taught," Professor McGonagall said kindly, and my affection for my Head of House grew.

"Thank you, professor," I smiled. The two of them left.

"Now's the part where you tell us what happened," Ginny said.

"And what it has to do with Malfoy," added Neville.

"Parkinson wouldn't tell us a thing," Hermione explained. I sighed, feeling the knot twist in my stomach again. I took several deep breaths, the Calming Drought kicking into effect. Then, in a quiet and shaky voice, I told them what I'd seen in the Pensieve. They were thunderstruck.

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