Chapter 55

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Chapter 55: Something's wrong

All eyes turned to her as she walked in.

"Miss Merielle Stargline, Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement!" announced a wizard. Merielle gave a weak nod as she took her place. Draco's eyes were instantly on her. She felt scrutinised under his harsh gaze. Hermione was acting as the judge.

"This trial has now begun. Defendants: Lucius Malfoy. Death Eater who has followed Voldemort's orders in both the first and second Wizarding Wars and has been sentenced to Azkaban before, but escaped. Narcissa Malfoy. Wife of Lucius Malfoy, and has been involved directly with Voldemort. Draco Malfoy. Son of Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy. Was tasked with the assassination of Albus Dumbledore in his sixth year. Death Eater, and was directly involved with Death Eater activities."

Hermione rifled through her papers as she consulted them.

"First trial: Lucius Abraxas Malfoy, son of Abraxas Malfoy. Is charged with the crime of being a Death Eater, charges against humanity including killings and following Tom Marvolo Riddle's cruel orders, escape from Azkaban, infiltration of the Ministry, severe lies against the Ministry, capture and retainment of students, and slipping a dangerous Dark artefact, a Horcrux to be precise, into Ginny Weasley's possession during the year of 1992 and therefore resulting in the opening of the Chamber of Secrets and endangering many lives. Do you plead guilty to these charges, Mr Malfoy?"

It was a very long list, and the stenographers were furiously scribbling away. Lucius Malfoy sneered around at everyone present haughtily.

"Well, I suppose there's no way to lie my way out of this. It's as you expect, of course."

"Yes or no, Mr Malfoy," demanded Harry. Lucius sighed dramatically.

"Well, I do to a certain extent, but I shall argue my case."

"And how exactly do you propose to do that?" asked Kingsley.

"Well, I have a lawyer," stated Lucius smugly.

"Of course you do," muttered Harry. Then he said, "Who?"

The courtroom door opened and a familiar young man strode through. Theo raised his eyebrows; Draco looked surprised. Around the courtroom there were mixed reactions.

"You!" hissed Theo.

"We pardoned you. We let you free," exclaimed Xander.

"There were no charges against me. And they say Slytherins are prejudiced," responded Cassius Warrington coolly.

"Order in court!" demanded Hermione, banging the gavel and silencing the commotion.

"Now, now, let's all settle down," drawled Merielle. All eyes turned to her. "We very well cannot blame either of them. Lucius Malfoy has the right to hire a lawyer. And Cassius Warrington is a lawyer -defending is his job. We cannot begin to suspect simply because they are both Slytherins."

Draco looked surprised at her words. He probably found it surprising she was defending them. But Merielle wasn't defending anyone. It was called justice.

"Very well. Defence: Cassius Warrington, Lawyer for the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. Prosecution-" Hermione was cut off by yet another familiar figure striding forwards determinedly.

"Ernest Macmillan, Lawyer for the Department of Magical Law Enforcement."

Merielle looked at the golden-haired Hufflepuff that had been in her year at Hogwarts. He had always been a rather pompous person, but Ernie wasn't all that bad. He had joined Dumbledore's Army and fought against Voldemort. And he had top grades in school.

Falling for the Enemy||Draco Malfoy Love Story FanfictionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz