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As he asked me about my parents

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As he asked me about my parents. I don't know why but I feel like telling him the truth.

"My parents died in a car accident," I said coldly.

"That's what I had told everyone but, to be honest with you"- I spare him a glance before again looking down-" the thing is..... I don't know anything about my parents," I replied shrugging like it doesn't affect me but actually it does. It hurts a lot.

"They left me when I was little. I had some fainted memories of my mother but nothing about my father. My aunt Stefanie took care of me," I told him as I played with my food. I want to see the look on his face. I want to see what he thinks of me but I feared if I do, I might end up crying which is the last thing I want to do.

"It's okay," he muttered in his sweet voice.

"I am sure you have awesome friends to rely on and me too if you think of me as one," he chuckled while I gazed at him, surprise etching my face.

"I am always there for you so be happy. You won't be alone anymore. Even if you think of me as a headache, you won't get rid of me, that's for sure." He beamed at me while I stared at him in a daze.

His words, what he just said. He didn't know but they meant everything to me. I felt my heart melting and I tried my best to not give in but a lone tear escapes my eye which I immediately wiped and hid with a smile.

"Thank you." I resumed eating my food and didn't make eye contact with him.

"Are you feeling alright?" I looked up instantly astonished.

"I mean, seriously, Anna. How can you eat this?" he asked, a frown of distaste curling his lips. I didn't help but giggled at his adorableness.

"I love spicy food. When it hits your tastebuds and the burning sensation in your entire mouth. I loved it a lot. It makes me feel alive. All my troubles burnt off. According to me, it's no different than life."

"How?" he asked which made me look up at him amazed. He is leaning forward and listening to me keenly.

"Life can't be sweet forever, it's full of bitter things. It will make you cry, it will break you. It will make you want to give up again and again. Only those who can bear its burn will be able to enjoy it in the end."

"Whoa." He gaped at me amazed.

"I didn't know that."

I chuckled, "Now you know."

"It's all thanks to you." He grinned at me.

"I am flattered," I snickered and he joined me.


After having lunch, he paid the bill. I insisted on paying my share but he didn't listen to me and told me it's his treat.

I showed him some other places but we were mostly silent with me gazing outside, feeling the air as it brushed my skin and hair.

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