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After school, we rushed back

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After school, we rushed back. To be honest, it was me, Ash was rather calm. All were there. Zane and Linda were sitting on the left sofa, Ren alone at the center one and Sammy on the right sofa. There are only two vacant places -one beside Ren and one beside Sammy. 

Ash and I glanced at each other. I guess he is also thinking about the same thing. I sprinted and sat beside Ren. I glanced at him grinning, he smiled back.

"Blockhead," Ren muttered under his breath.

Pulling a chair, Ash sat in it. 


'He is smarter than you dumbass.' Ren stated.

"Now that everyone is present, shall we begin now," Ren said irritated. I locked eyes with him.

'Why are you in such an unpleasant mood?'

'Do I need to spell it now?'

'No, I got it.'

'Thank goodness, you are not that dumb.'

'Thanks for the compliment.' I gave him a cheeky smile. A small smile appeared on his face.

'Someone again proposed you. Well, you can't blame them, you are smart, handsome, and rich so it's natural.'

"Will you three please pay attention? We are not here to talk to the walls." Sammy said irritation was clear on her face. I guess it's because Ash didn't sit beside her.

"Are you alright? When did you learn to talk like a normal person?" I asked sarcastically, smirking.

She glared at me, clenching my shirt, she began, "You-" She was interrupted by the doorbell.

"Who is it?" Ren asked himself frowning.

"Pardon me, for interrupting your crucial brother-sister love discussion." Sammy's jaw dropped as she stared at Ash.

"It's for me. Would you mind if I can borrow Sam for a minute?" Sammy abruptly pulled her hands back and crossed them over her chest, hiding her embarrassment.

"What are you staring at? Go, you dumbass." She glared at me. I stood up and winked at him.

"That's was amazing, bro. Her reaction was hilarious." We both bump fists.

"I can't believe it, he shut your wild sister. He is amazing, " Zane muttered from behind.

"I know."

"Here's your order. Have a good day." The delivery boy said handing the package.

"You too." Ash smiled at him.

"Hi, I didn't introduce myself last time."

"I am Zane, Linda's boyfriend and future alpha of 'The Moon Pack'." Zane is a dark complex, well-built tall guy. He is strong, capable, and worthy of being an alpha.

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