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I was heading to the cafeteria when I saw Axel strolling in the hall; one earphone inside his ear, the other hanging down, his hands inside his pockets

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I was heading to the cafeteria when I saw Axel strolling in the hall; one earphone inside his ear, the other hanging down, his hands inside his pockets.

"Hey," I waved at him. He lazily looked in my direction but on noticing me, he pivoted on his heels and scurried away.

Huh! Is he avoiding me?!

A smile appeared on my lips at his childish behavior and I shook my head amused.

Reaching the cafeteria, I met with Sam and Ren. Anna waved at me and we all headed towards their table.

"Hi, Mia."

"Hey, Ash." I took a seat beside Anna.

"Share with me too," Sam gushed and was about to sit when Samantha yanked him, the chair screeched and everyone glanced in our direction.

"Fu*k off you dumbass!" she snapped vexed and settled beside me.

"You are a bitch!" Sam growled but Ren held him and calmed him down. They took their seats opposite us.

"There ain't any telly show going on, so eat and leave," she said smugly, making air quotes. All the heads turned back and everyone resumed eating quietly.

She turned her gaze at me and smiled, "Please start eating."

"She's creepy," Sam commented taking a bite from my lunch.

"Leave it, you a**hole. It's only for Ash." She leaped to snatch it from him but he gulped it down.

"It's alright."

"But-" she argued.

"I don't mind sharing." I smiled at her. Sam stuck out his tongue to tease her.

"Can I have some too? It looks delicious," Anna mumbled, licking her upper lip.

A smile appeared on my lips, "Sure." I forwarded it to her.

"Do you want some, Mia?"

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"Do you want some, Mia?"

"No, I'm fine." She denied it apparently because of Samantha.

"Thank you. It's yummy!" I exclaimed savoring the pasta and glanced at Samantha.

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