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"Hey, bud

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"Hey, bud." Sam gave me a cheeky smile. 

"Isn't it took you a little too long?" I asked crossing my arms over my chest.

"I am sorry, I know. You don't have to wait for me from tomorrow."

"Why?" I asked pouting.

"I know it's tiring to wait for others and it wastes your time too."

"So bear with me for now." He pulled on a cheeky smile again but I can tell it's not real; it misses the usual perkiness.

"Don't be stupid!" I draped my arm on his shoulder. I know I am not that strong to strangle him as he does to me so I gestured him to bent a little.

He does so, frowning a little. I smacked his head, "I don't know about others but I'll wait for years if I have to, for my friend. Waiting for a few minutes is nothing compared to it and, doing something for my friend even if it's only waiting will never be a waste of time for me." He looked at me with soft eyes.

"Never forget that." I smiled at him.

"Now let's go." 

"Let's go." He gave me his real sweet smile.

"By the way where are we going?" 

He chuckled and draped his arm over my shoulder and squeezed it, "To Ren's house."

"You are stinking."

"Am I?" He frowned and sniffed his clothes. I hit his back and snickered, "Just kidding." He chuckled too and we advanced to our destination.


We stopped before a beautiful house. The walls are painted white and its sloped roof is dark blue. It's a beautiful one-storey house decorated with small plants hanging near the windows.

Sam rings the bell and after a few seconds, I hear the footsteps walking towards the door.

Sam told me that Ren lives here alone by himself so he spends his time with him.

"Hey!" Ren exclaimed opening the door with a small smile.

"Welcome to my house." He stepped aside and let us in, shutting the door afterward.

"Wow, it's so beautiful." I gaped as my eyes roamed around. Small colourful flower plants are hanging in different places.

A big T.V is placed on the left side near a full-length glass window. A big cream coloured sofa and a wooden coffee table are settled in front of the T.V; a small open kitchen a little away.

"You live here all by yourself," I asked him mesmerized by the beautiful sight.

"Yeah. My parents and my siblings are in New Orleans."

"Have a seat! I'll be back in a minute," he gushed and walked into the kitchen. After a couple of minutes, he came back with three milkshakes. Settling them, he pulled out one chair and sat opposite us.

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