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The plane finally landed after seven and a half hours. Stretching my stiffened muscles, I walked towards the exit.

"Hey," Rich yelled whilst Evy waved at me as I made my way towards them. They had shifted here two years ago.

Richard Walker and Evelyn Walker are my only cousins. Evy is three years younger than Rich and is pursuing a degree in biotechnology from New York University whilst Rich works in his dad's company.

Dad's only sibling Aunt Emma fell in love with William Walker and shifted to NYC to live with his husband leaving dad all alone in London. After some years, dad came to meet his beloved sister in NY where he found his sunshine too; my mother, Ashley Smith.

I don't know much about my mother. I have heard a little from grandma, aunt, and Alberto.

"Hey, Ash. How was your journey?" Evy asked jovially whilst Rich put my luggage into the car.

I opened my mouth to speak but Rich beat me to it. "It's fun. He enjoyed it a lot. Right, Ash!" Rich looked up and locked his gaze with us.

"What do you expect from a long journey, Evy? Isn't it obvious? He's bored out of his mind," Rich uttered with a bored expression before rolling his eyes.

"Come on, dude. Let's go." We all took our seats in the car with me at back and Evy at the passenger seat. Rich started the ignition and the car roared to life.

"So dude, tell me-" he was interrupted by my phone ringing. I pulled it out and answered it without looking at the caller's ID as I knew who it is.

"It's that joven señor guy, isn't it?" Rich asked gazing at me from the rearview mirror. I nodded and he grinned, flashing his pearl-white fangs before putting his attention on the road.

"Has aterrizado Joven señor?Estás bien? Alguien ha venido recogarte todavía o sigues esperando ahí? Necesitas algo?" Albert flushed me with questions as he speaks in Spanish not waiting for me to answer. He only speaks in Spanish whenever he is worried or angry.

{"Have you landed young lord? Are you alright? Has anyone come to pick you up yet or are you still waiting there? Do you need anything?" } Above translation.

"Calm down, Albert," I muttered glancing outside the window.

"Pardon me, Joven señor," Alberto and Rich said in unison. I gazed up at Rich amazed and our gaze locked from the rearview mirror.

"From your expression, I can tell he said exactly what I anticipated." He grinned again before looking forward. I heaved a sigh before speaking, "Yes, I have landed and I am alright." I paused for a second and spared a glance at them before proceeding, "Rich and Evy came to pick me up and we are on our way there." I explained to him calmly.

"Give them my greetings and take care."

"I will." I hung up the call.

"Who are you talking with?" Evy asked and I looked up. She has turned slightly and is gazing at me with her big baby blue eyes. She has one earphone in and one out which explains why she was quiet.

"It's Albert. He said Hello to both of you," I told them.

"Why didn't you tell me before? I wanted to talk to Alberto," she said his name in a Spanish accent as she whined like a five years old child.

"Just ignore her," Rich said nonchalantly and the rest of the journey went in silent.

I gazed outside at the tall buildings as the sun descends glittering with lights. The buildings are alive with people coming out and going in. I closed my eyes and concentrated.

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