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It's break time

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It's break time. Everything is good except the lunch break. I can do anything to pretend to be a human but this is my weakness. I can't eat human food. I don't like the taste of it and I don't like doing things which I don't like.

I don't want to compromise. Why should I? No one cares about others then why should I? There is nothing like bonds. It's something that will only hurt you in the end and I don't want to bear that pain again.

That's why I do whatever I enjoy.

I was walking towards my secret place to kill the time when someone bumped into me. I was about to ignore him when his scent hit my senses.

It's an extraordinary scent so I remembered who is it.

I glanced down and looked into his green eyes.

Asher. That's his name.

"Pardon me." He is from Europe. I can tell from his accent.

I don't know why but there is something about him and I know he is nothing but trouble. I tried to ignore him but his words make me come to a halt.

"Would you make me your friend?" he smiled at me and forwarded his hand so casually like it's no big deal. A frown creased my forehead as I gave him a cold stare.

I guess no one has told him about me.

I am quite popular for my coldness. Everyone maintains their distance from me, even vampires.

"I don't make friends." I slapped his hand away and was about to walk away but his next words made me stop dead in my tracks. My legs betrayed me as they didn't move.

"Isolating yourself from others won't lessen the pain. It will only grow more," he mumbled.

I recovered from my daze and turned to glare at him.

Who the heck that punkster thinks he is?

"I don't know who you are!" I muttered firmly, controlling my anger as my hands balled into fists.

"I am your friend." I gotta admit he got me there for a moment.

I am not going to fall for his trap.

I grabbed his arm and dragged him. Everyone stopped and stared at us; some giving him sympathetic looks.

I turned into a corner and threw him at the wall.

Actually, I don't know what to do. No one dared to talk to me and yet he told me he wants to be my friend.

He wants to be my friend. Ha. Either he thinks he is too smart or he is the biggest fool.

I glared at him and grabbing him by his white tee, I pinned him to the wall and looked straight into his eyes.

"Who the heck do you think you are! You don't know a shit about me," I yelled at him. I know now he is going to run away like others and beg me to spare him.

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