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The waiter showed us our seats and gave us the menu.

"Sir, your order," he asked with a smile.

"Anna"- I glanced up at her and our gazes locked-"order for me too." I smiled at her. "I will try whatever you suggest."

Her eyes widened, "But-"

"Please. I insisted," I uttered whilst she blushed nevertheless gave our orders.

She glanced at me and I gave her a soft smile. She blushed and to hide it she began looking around.

"Dang it!" She uttered furiously through gritted teeth, her hands balled into fists.

"What's wrong?" I inquired and followed her eyes. She was looking at the group of men who are following us from before.

I placed my hand on her to calm her whilst she snapped her head in my direction and gazed at my hand which is laying on her with utter surprise.

"Sorry." I removed my hand from hers and a feeling of despair appeared on her face.

"It's okay." She put on a smile.

"Now tell me what's wrong?"

She gestured me to come closer and I leaned forward, "Those guys on our right. They are chasing us for quite some time," she whispered and I can't help but stare at her lips. Shaking my head internally, I leaned away from her as her chocolate and rose smell was playing with my senses.

Wow. She noticed them too. That's extraordinary.

"I noticed them too." I glanced at them from the corner of my eyes. One of the guys stood up and asked for the washroom.

"Give me your number." Her eyes widened while I chuckled at her cuteness.

"I am not asking for your bank PIN." Her cheeks became red in embarrassment as she lowered her gaze.

"Here." She forwarded her cell phone. I saved my number in hers and called myself to have her.

"I think he is here for me. I am going after that person to confirm it. There's nothing to worry about but in case...keep an eye on the others in the meantime." I gestured at the other two from my eyes.

"Call me immediately if you think something's wrong and I will come for you," I told her calmly.

"Don't worry about me. I know how to defend myself," she said with a smile.

"Be careful and call me. Okay!" She nodded. These are vampires we are dealing with. She doesn't even know what kind of danger they pose! They won't hesitate to kill anyone to get what they desire.

I opened the door and caught the scent of a human and him. I need to wait. As he came out, he glanced at me. There was a feeling of panic on his face for a microsecond before he masked it and started washing his hands. The man passed by me and washed his hand. I waited calmly as I pretended to wash my hands.

"Hello, can you please pass me some tissues?" He didn't look at me and pass me tissues.

"Have we met before?"

"No," he said instantly without even glancing at me.


"I must have mistaken you for someone else." I smiled and he gave me a brief nod, wiping his hands. He glanced at me from the mirror but hastily averted his gaze when I look at him. The human man's phone buzzed and he strolled outside.

"You new here?" I asked him as I dialled on my phone. He shook his head and stepped to walk away.

"Hello, Leo. How are you doing?" His shoulders tensed and his foot came to a halt for a millisecond in mid-air before he resumed.

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