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Zane stopped the car near the bar

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Zane stopped the car near the bar.
"All the best, bro." He winked at me giving me an encouraging smile.

"You can do it, Ash." Linda and Sammy give me a thumbs up. I nodded and got out of the car.

I called Sam, "I am here."

"Good timing. He has arrived," Sam mumbled softly. 

"Okay." I rushed inside from the back door. A girl dressed like me was already waiting there for me.

On finding me approaching, she turned and I quietly followed her.

Inside, she handed me a tray with glasses of wine.

"You know what to do, don't mess up." With this, she disappeared into the crowd of people.

I noticed my surroundings. Though it doesn't look like it from the outside it's quite popular with people. All sorts of people were there. Some were smoking and drinking while some were ogling and harassing some waitress which miffed me.

Calm down. Now's not the time.

They had told me it's prevalent in these places. The place was stinking with alcohol and smoke. 

I gazed around to look for Sam and Ren.

"Hey hottie, get me a drink," a man yelled looking at me. I rushed to give him the drink.

"I haven't seen you here before. Are you new?" He asked grinning at me like an idiot.

"Yes," I replied placing the glass on his table while he continued ogling me.

"You are hot," he said touching my butt.

I wanted to strangle him but restrained myself.

"You won't be happy to see what's inside." I retorted in a flirty tone like Linda had taught me.

"Will you stick to him or give us drinks too?" Another man said sarcastically and his mates laughed.

"Will you please excuse me?" I took my leave and attended to others.

I spotted Ren. He sauntered on seeing me and I followed him. He came to a halt. He turned and motioned me to give him a drink. I walked toward him and handed him a glass.

He leaned forward and put a strand of hair behind my ear and whispered, "He is at the table at your left." He winked at me before leaving. I turned and looked in that direction. He was sitting there with his hand resting on the table, his dark black hair tied backward with a rubber band. He had a dark complexion; a snake tattoo on his right forearm.

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