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Knotting the laces of my white trainers, I put on my headphones and walked down the stairs

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Knotting the laces of my white trainers, I put on my headphones and walked down the stairs.

The place is active. People are going to the park, some are jogging, some hitting the gyms as I jogged past by.

I put off my headphones and listened to the music of nature; the soothing chirping of the birds; the rustling of leaves, the whispering of soft wind. With hands in hands, they both waltz and sway in harmony. The just risen sun shines softly signifying the beginning of a new day and new life.

I can't help but smile as I breathe in the morning air. It feels so good to be in the open. I feel like a bird who is now free to roam aimlessly in the sky, ready to take his first flight.

I can do whatever I wish. I am my own man now.

No wonder the outside world is dangerous but it can't stop us. We have to step outside and see how beautiful the outside world is.

I have missed this for so many years of my life but it's alright. I'll make up for the lost years. I slowed down and I gaze up smiling.

Thank you mom for giving me this beautiful life. Even if I don't fully understand what it feels like to be alive, I will definitely try to find the answer.

Life is all about letting go, moving on, and slowing down. An adequate equilibrium of these things is what makes life beautiful.

Sometimes we need to let go of things and move on with the hope that something more beautiful will be waiting for us whilst sometimes we need to slow down and enjoy what we have at the moment.


After having a shower, I put on some clean clothes and headed down.

"Good morning, Ash," aunt Emma greeted me smiling as she saw me approaching. She was already pouring coffee in two mugs.

"Good morning Aunt," I returned her gesture as I settled on one of the kitchen tools.

"Had a good sleep?"

"Yes." I smiled as she handed me a cup of coffee. Taking a sip, I smiled at her.

"It's delicious."

"Glad you like it. Though I know I'm not as good as Alberto," she admitted smiling.

"It's really good. If the coffee beans are fresher, I'm sure it would taste perfect," I told her smiling as I took another sip.

"Thanks but here's a secret," she paused whilst I frowned. Leaning down a little, she whispered, "I know the truth. I'll never surpass you two." She giggled.

I am not sure about myself but Alberto makes the best coffee in the world. I have learnt it from him and try my best to enhance my skills.

"What are the aunt and nephew talking about? Share with me too," uncle Will chanted as he settled beside me.

"Good morning, uncle."

"Morning son. Now tell me the secret," he inquired resting his elbows on the counter.

"It's aunt's and nephew's secret. Others are forbidden from it. Right, Ash?" she stated gazing at me. I nodded whilst Uncle pouted to which aunt snickered.

I couldn't help but smile. Mom is not with us but I have always imagined her to be like aunt Emma, sweet and loving.

After a whilst, I made my trip towards the remaining places. I missed Anna's company. If she would be with me, she would have told me about everything. Without her, I am like a lost child, but it's alright.

Heaving a sigh, I checked some book shops, did some shopping for school and other stuff. By the time I was done with all, I was a little tired so I decided to grab a bite.

My eyes fell on a coffee shop. It is not that big, perfect for me to spend my time and above all, the smell of coffee coming from it was overwhelming.

As I pushed open the door, the bell hanging inside rang indicating the arrival, and a girl probably of my age came to greet me.

"Hello. Welcome to our cafe." She showed me my seat and gave me the menu. She has short blonde hair and hazel brown eyes. Her smile was beautiful, reaching her eyes. I can't help but smile at her.

"Hi, I'm Melissa. You new here?" she asked as I saw the menu.

"Hi. I'm Ash. Nice to meet you and yes, I'm new here," I told her whilst she smiled.

"One cheese sandwich, one cheesecake, and a coffee. Thank you." She noted down my order and raced to the counter.

After a whilst, she returned with my order.

"Enjoy." She glowed at me. The bell chimes and she excused herself to attend the others.

I sensed a vampire and spare a glance at the entrance. Mellisa was greeting the spiky red hair vampire boy. I concentrated on my food as I am too hungry to notice anything now.

The aroma of the coffee was earthy as I breathe in before taking a small sip. My tastebuds were overwhelmed by its taste. The texture is smooth and is perfectly balanced. The coffee beans are fresh and perfectly blended and the thickness is just perfect. I smiled and took another sip to feel it.

"You like it," Melissa's voice brings me back into reality. I was so engrossed that I didn't realize when she arrived.

"Yes, it's delicious." I beamed at her.

"It's smooth, chocolatey followed by an aftertaste that is mellow, rich, and deep. With just the slightest wisp of smoked wood. Please express my gratitude to whoever made it." My lips curved up in a smile.

"That's so sweet of you. Please enjoy! See ya!" She smiled at me before taking her leave. After a couple of minutes, I saw her getting outside. She glanced at me and waved before shutting the door. She is sweet like her name suggests.

I am happy to find this place. I am already having a liking for this place and the coffee and food here are delicious.


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