United as One

504 17 100

Warning: violence, mentions of torture, manipulation, brainwashing, dissociation, implied incest


"Sora, you seem panicked. Why'd you gather us all in the lobby?" Hajime asked. "You even told us to bring a weapon just in case."

"I'm sorry for calling you all at a time like this, but this is very important." Sora darkly spoke. "We need to come together once again in order to bring the culprit to justice."

"You're only deciding this now?" Yuri sighed.

"She's right." Hibiki agreed. "What suddenly brought this on? Did Kei finish his article?"

"He did, Sis, but that's not everything that happened this morning." Kanade replied. "For one, Mikado came back, but his mind belongs to Junko now."

Setsuka gasped and covered her mouth. "No, not Kado..."

"I didn't want to believe it either..." Nikei sighed and tilted his hat down, having put his journalist garb back on. "But it's the truth. Junko's brainwashed Mikado, and now he's on the loose."

"We can't trust Juzo anymore, not after we tried to report Junko through Nikei's article and he ripped it up. Thankfully, we have another copy." Sora declared, inciting a few murmurs from her audience. "When we got back to the dorm, Mukuro had broken in and freed Mikado, knocking Syobai out in the process. We have many tasks ahead of us today, and stopping Junko is one of them."

"But first, shouldn't we deal with Mikado?" Kokoro suggested. "If he's turned into her pawn, his talent could be dangerous for everyone around him and even himself."

"Yeah, we should at least find Mikado and sedate him or something!" Shinji added. "After that, we can go capture Junko and find a way to reverse the brainwashing!"

"Y-You guys said that this Ryota Mitarai person was the one who indirectly helped with the brainwashing video, right?" Iroha asked. "So, we just need to find him as well and ask him how to fix Mikado!"

"Iroha, we don't know where he is." Emma sighed. "The only thing we can do is make those two bastards pay for what they've done."

"Okay, everyone. Here's the plan:" Sora began, getting everyone's attention. "Our main priority right now is capturing Junko and bringing her to somebody who will raise more hell to get that bitch what she deserves. 

"Your best bets are most likely Jin or Koichi, but I think that silver-haired man seems trustworthy enough." Nikei added.

"Silver-haired man? I haven't seen him around yet." Setsuka questioned.

"I think he's only here because the Overseas Expansion Project got cancelled." The albino explained. "All I know is that I've seen him once through a window the day of Mikado and Nikei's trip to the Reserve Course. He was going through the student files, and I think he was looking for the culprit as well. I think it's him we need to bring her to."

"I agree." Yuri spoke. "Even if we don't know him well, 'the enemy of my enemy is a friend', as the saying goes."

Kanade fished out her first aid kit and took out a needle. "I know I shouldn't be making this call, but after Junko has been dealt with, catching Mikado is our next priority. There is a very strong anesthetic in this needle, so just one dose can put him right to sleep. We can handle him and retie him then!" The guitarist chirped.

"Sora, where do you believe that Junko's hiding?" Kokoro suddenly asked.

"It's not what I believe, it's what I KNOW." Sora smirked triumphantly. "Izuru told us where her hideout is, beneath that statue of the school's founder. There's a couple buttons that lead to under the school, and we can find her there."

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