Possibility of Despair

411 15 60

Mentioned murder/death/suicide/brain death/paralysis


When the trio arrived at the next singularity, they saw that they were at the ghost house. "I-I don't think I'm ever going to get used to this dizziness..." Yoruko complained, leaning on Sora. 

"Is it just me, or is the landscape breaking even more?" The albino asked, observing the number of errors in the building.

"I'm afraid it's because there's a lot of data to process." Yuri apologized. "...Now, this way." She spoke, leading them to the altar where there were three capsules.

"Huh? Three capsules?" Yoruko questioned, only remembering seeing one at the previous two singularities.

"It's for Setsuka and the Otonokoji twins." The AI replied bluntly.

Sora sighed, looking at the three connecting devices. "So, let me get this straight: These mechanical devices are at the singularities and the dead are in the places where they died?"

"That is correct."

"That's weird, only Setsuka died in the ghost house. Why are the twins here as well? And why weren't Hajime and Emma at the first two?" The girl continued.

"That's because of the amount of avatar modifications Mikado had to do." Yuri began to explain. "You see, the Voids didn't go through a lot of appearance changes during their time at Hope's Peak Academy, and only their school memories were removed because Mikado needed them to remember their agreement and partnership with him that they made after they 'graduated', so to speak. But though their school memories were erased so they wouldn't have any hesitation in killing people they once knew, or even fell in love with, they didn't experience much avatar modification overall. For the rest of you, both your appearances and memories had to be altered and reset to before you were enrolled, and that's why your old avatars are being shown in the capsules."

Yoruko's eyes widened as she blinked in surprise. "Wow, that actually makes a lot of-"

"Gah... Haah... Where am I?" A timid voice spoke.

Sora looked around the room once again, seeing the altar, the three capsules...and a small figure shivering behind a pillar. "Someone's behind there." She spoke, motioning for Yoruko to follow.

Behind the pillar, Iroha groaned and held her head. "Ughh... Where the hell am I... How do I get out? I'm just gonna..." She sniffled and sat down, curling up into a ball. "I hate you, Mikado...I hate you, Mikado..."

Sora walked up behind her, not knowing exactly what to do in this situation. "Iroha?" She asked, tapping her lightly on the shoulder.

Iroha whirled around with a terrified expression. "AHHHHHHH! I'M SORRY, I'M SORRY, I'M SORRY, MIKADO, PLEASE FORGIVE ME..." She settled down when she finally recognized who was in front of her. "N-Not cool, Sora..." She grumbled.

"It has been a while, Iroha." Yuri spoke from where she stood, having not moved an inch from her position at the centre of the altar.

"Wh-Who are you?!" The painter squeaked in fright.

"You know me best as 'Monocrow', but you may call me 'Yuri' if you want." The girl introduced again.

"Iroha, what are you doing here?" Sora questioned.

The smaller girl shook her head. "H-H-H-How did YOU get here?! No matter how much I try to leave, I can't escape!" 

"That was because of my assistance. You cannot move between coordinates because you are not an administrator, and I brought these two here myself." Yuri spoke, her smile never fading.

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