No Man is an Island

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"Where the fuck did he go?!" Nikei shouted, pacing the dorm as Yoruko leaned against the wall next to her bedroom.

Somehow, when he wasn't paying attention for a few minutes, Mikado had disappeared from Yuri's - and technically his - coming out party. When they packed up and were returning to their dorms, Nikei couldn't find Mikado anywhere in the group. The remaining three inhabitants of Room 2-29 were concerned, but they figured that Mikado just needed to run some errands for the dorm. They were getting low on groceries, after all.

However, when Nikei woke up the next day, he wasn't being held in anyone's arms or using anyone as a pillow. The space beside him in the bed was still empty, and Nikei was cold. He ran out of his room in a panic, startling the girls as he frantically asked them where Mikado was. According to them, he hadn't been in the dorm since the day before.

"Chill out, Nikei. He probably had a reason for going." Yoruko sighed annoyedly. "He'll be back eventually. Maybe Kanade brought him back with her to the clinic."

"No, he'd tell us first if he was going there with her." Nikei ran a hand through his hair, stressed by his boyfriend's sudden disappearance. "Should I ask Tsurugi to help look for him?"

"Jeez, and we all thought Mikado was clingy." The hostess teased, getting herself off the wall and going towards the fridge. 

Nikei bristled with anger and whirled around to face her. "I'm NOT clingy!" He quickly forced himself to relax. "It's just...what if he isn't safe? Sure, he might be a wizard, but he's still getting used to regular society. Or maybe he ran away? Maybe he DID do that?!" He shivered with worry.

"Oh my god, shut up!" Yoruko shouted, interrupting Nikei's spiral of worrying thoughts. "He's probably just out doing something! Get a hold of yourself!"

Nikei sighed, deflating as her words sank in. "Yeah, you're right. This isn't like me. Maybe I'm just paranoid because I actually got attached to that idiot." He walked over to the fridge, pushing Yoruko aside. "Move over, I'm getting my food."

"Hey! I was here first, asshole!" The hostess protested.

As the two fought over who got to get their food from the fridge, Sora walked out of her room and watched in amusement. "Seems like you two are having fun." She remarked, spooking both of them.

They whirled around in surprise. "S-Sora! Don't do that!" Yoruko chastised, putting a hand on her chest in order to calm herself.

"Sorry, but it was necessary." She lied. "Oh, by the way, Mikado sent me a message."

Nikei immediately left the fridge and approached her. "Really?! What did he say?!" He exclaimed. While he was confronting Sora, Yoruko quickly got her food out of the fridge and retreated victoriously to the table.

"He basically said that he was sorry for being gone, he just had to do some work and that he's on his way home right now, but can't teleport due to wanting to conserve his magic for later." The albino explained.

"Oh thank fuck." Nikei breathed a sigh of relief. "Did he say when exactly he's arriving?"

"Nope, he just said that he's on his way right now. You might want to get some food for him though, I'm not sure if he's eaten or not. I think he forgot." She suggested.

"Typical." Yoruko chimed in from the table.

"You be quiet." Nikei shot back. "Alright, I'll get something ready for him. But he better have an explanation to why he fucking disappeared!"


As Sora had stated, the door eventually opened. Mikado walked through, clearly having not slept a wink the night before. He still wore his cape, though it was a bit crumpled, his hair was messy, and there were bags under his eyes. 

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