Together Forever

522 12 31

Warning: mentioned death, fatal injuries, blood, PTSD


As the Monokuma claw was pulled out from Yuki's chest, the lucky student fell onto the floor, twitching and in shock. He didn't understand the situation, and the only thing he could hear were Akane's sobs and the newfound laughter of the Monokuma AI. 

"Master Utsuro...I know you wanted this, but your luck prevented you from having it..." The maid tearfully cried. "...I...I hope that you will be happy now..." As she wept, more Monokuma robots began to surround the trial grounds, and the three others ran into the centre of the podiums, defensively standing back to back.

At this point, Yuki didn't want to understand anything anymore, even if he already knew what Akane had been talking about. His world spun as he felt the blood pour out of him and his vision grew darker as he slowly began to lose consciousness.

Suddenly, he was faintly able to hear static cutting out the Monokuma voice, and a new one replaced it entirely. "Wh-What the-?! Thank god I'm not too late!" A familiar voice shouted over all the chaos. "Hey, Yuki! Can you hear me?!"

The lucky student wanted to respond or get up, but his body wouldn't allow any of those things. Instead, his body violently trembled in response to the voice.

"Okay, good. You're still alive. You have to listen to me." The voice commanded, and Yuki forced himself to pay attention. "Do you really want to end it like this? Despite all your promises and declarations you made, death is only an escape from taking responsibility for your actions! I know you're much different than Utsuro, so tell me this! Do you want to live?!"

He might not have been able to say it aloud, but Yuki agreed with the voice's words. He needed to take responsibility for masterminding a killing game, even under Junko's orders, and to do that, he couldn't die. Not just that, but he had wanted to enjoy life more than Utsuro had, and he only wanted to live. That was basic human instinct, the will to live.

All around him, the Monokuma robots began blowing up and their deadly march on the remaining students was put to an end. The four were bewildered and immediately looked to Yuki or the voice for the answer, but the lucky student had already passed out from blood loss.


Yuki opened his eyes with a groan, finding himself in an infirmary bed with a blanket overtop of him, hooked to an IV, and in a hospital gown. He was shirtless with bandages wrapping around the place he got stabbed and his bed. At the foot of his bed, a screen was propped up on a pole and made to face him. Beside him, a bedside table had been moved to his infirmary bed with a bottle of painkillers and a button on it. Beside the button was a sticky note with the words 'press when awake'.

Out of curiosity, Yuki pressed the button, and the screen turned on. Soon, the static changed to a familiar face. "Y-Yamato?! How?!" Yuki exclaimed.

"I'm not the real one, I assure you. Before the riots, Yamato made his own Alter Ego. You didn't expect that, didja?" The AI teased. "But I'm glad you're awake."

"..How long was I out?" Yuki asked. "And what happened during that time?"

"You were unconscious for a solid two days. It would've been longer had Rei not known about first aid." Yamato explained. "I'm glad I searched up the urban legend about Utsuro, because not only did you fall unconscious, but all the robots that were going to kill the others blew up. Because of me, the footage going to Junko stopped sending, but the Alter Ego of Junko got away."

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