Shining Love Within

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A few days after Halloween, people were still trying to recover from the massive event thrown by Class 78 as well as the small dorm parties of their own and the lack of sleep for the other residents that came with it.

Despite all of this, some people still decided to be out and about under these effects. For example, Hibiki and Setsuka, who asked to be driven by Yoruko to the downtown mall.

"Remind me why I'm doing this?" The hostess asked, still feeling groggy and tired.

"We're buying gifts for my sister, duh!" Hibiki responded. "Our birthdays are coming up soon, and I want to at least get her something!"

Setsuka nodded in agreement. "Kana at least deserves that. Since I know the best places in the malls, we can get some things for her!"

Yoruko grumbled and turned on the radio, switching the station to a trendy pop one. As she drove downtown, she prayed to Mikado and Nikei's 'Utsuro' that this wouldn't turn out to be a repeat of the dreaded 'Taira Shopping Trip', as it had been nicknamed.

Soon, they arrived at the mall downtown, and Setsuka and Hibiki quickly stepped out of the car. Before Yoruko could get out and join them, Setsuka held her door closed. "Hey, Ruko. I know you're really tired, so you don't need to come with us." She reassured. "Just roll down the windows a bit so that you can breath and take a nap in the back seat or something. I know you really need it."

Yoruko looked at Setsuka with gratefulness shining in her eyes, and the hostess nodded in affirmation before locking the doors, rolling some of the windows a bit down, and turning off the car. The two girls watched outside as Yoruko got into the back seat and curled up, only walking away from the car after making sure she was safe.

"Alright! Onwards we go!" The vocalist cheered as they walked towards the mall. Setsuka laughed beside her, happy that her girlfriend was so excited. She shared the same sentiment as they walked into the large building in front of them.

Once inside, Hibiki spotted a CD store and headed towards it, Setsuka in tow. They headed for a specific section of the store, which was thankfully stocked to the brim. "So, what are we looking for? I'm just going to let you take the lead, you know your sister's tastes the best." The billiards player stated.

"Well, Kanade really likes rock and metal music, so I'm going to get a few albums for her." Hibiki explained, sifting through the CDs and picking out a few artists. "Hmm... So, we have Sabaton, she preformed it at the practical exams... Bon Jovi, that's a classic... Babymetal, the vocals are nice... Maybe Apocalyptica? No, maybe Nightwish instead..."

"Hey, do you think Kana might like this one?" Setsuka asked, holding up an album by GaMetal.

"I think... Kanade doesn't like playing video games, but Roha does, so maybe this will suit both of their tastes!" The vocalist proclaimed, satisfied with the artist choices before going to pay for the albums.

The next place Hibiki and Setsuka stopped at was an antique store. The girlfriends browsed the shelves they wouldn't normally browse, Setsuka looking at the small objects while Hibiki looked at an array of weapons.

Soon enough, Setsuka walked over with a couple small objects in her hands. "Hey, Biki! I found something nice!" She held out her hands so that Hibiki could see the objects.

"A rose in vitro and a dartboard?" Hibiki's eyes lit up. "She doesn't normally like love stuff like a rose in vitro, but I think it'll make her happy if it's from me! And she loves darts!"

"She does?" Setsuka asked.

"Yeah, she's like the Ultimate Darts Master, if that's even a talent to begin with!" Hibiki joked. "So, we'll get these. In the meantime, check these out!" She exclaimed, pointing to the weapons.

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