'Tis the Season

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Sora sleepily opened her eyes, wondering why she was sleeping on her chest with somebody resting their head on her lap. She felt another body pressed beside her, a bigger one than ehr and Looking down, she smiled as she saw that it was Yoruko, sound asleep with her cheek against the albino's thighs.

As she watched Yoruko's sleeping face, she slowly began to remember the events of the night before. Turning around, she saw Nikei sleeping on top of Mikado's chest, the latter leaning against her. Thankfully, the hacker had put his can of wine away before he fell asleep so that it didn't spill all over the bed. This was their room, after all, so they probably didn't want any messes on their bed.

As peaceful as this scene was, it was still Christmas Day, and the dorm's residents should probably open their presents before going back to sleep in separate beds. Sora gently shook the hostess on her lap, resisting the urge to coo at the hostess's adorableness. "Ruko~" She softly called. "Come on, wake up. We have to get out of the boys' bed."

Slowly, Yoruko roused from sleep and opened her eyes. "Oh, Sora..." She them smiled. "Good morning."

Sora leaned over and kissed her on the forehead. "Merry Christmas." She purred, and Yoruko sleepily got off of Sora's thighs to kiss her in return.

As the girlfriends kissed, Mikado was woken up by the lack of Sora pressed to his side. The hacker sat up in bed, jostling the sleeping journalist and waking him as well. "What the hell...?" Nikei groaned, maneuvering himself so that he didn't break his back.

"Oh, you two. Good morning, Merry Christmas, all that stuff." Yoruko chirped, causing Nikei to groan and put his head back on his boyfriend.

"Come on, Doll, we have to get up." Mikado encouraged. "We need to go get breakfast and open our presents. We can't do that if we're still in bed."

Sora stretched her body and stood up off the bed. "Come on, guys, the presents are in the main room." She turned around and walked towards the door, hearing the sounds of multiple people getting off the bed one at a time.

Sora walked into the shared living space, where all the presents had been around the miniature plastic tree since last night. As she, Yoruko, and Nikei sat down around the tree, Mikado instead went to the fridge to prepare a makeshift breakfast for them before they all most likely would go back to bed again.

"Alright, who wants to open their presents first?" The hostess asked.

"I suppose I'll go first." Sora replied, reaching for a present, this one addressed from Yoruko. Opening it up, she saw that there was a frilly red dress, one that looked akin to a flamenco dancer's. "Yoruko, this is so pretty! I better go change into it and see if it fits." She took the dress and went into the bathroom to change."

"I guess I'll open one of mine next." Nikei shrugged, grabbing one that was addressed from the Children of Utsuro. Inside, there was a stationary kit and another notebook in case he fills up or loses his other one. "Those guys..." He muttered.

"Sora got one for you too, but she addressed it from me as well for some reason." Yoruko added, pushing a box towards him. 

He opened it, seeing that there was a whole carton of energy drinks inside. "Heh, you guys are cool." He chuckled.

"Okay, I'll open one of mine now." Yoruko reached and took a present addressed from Mikado, which turned out to be a cookbook. "Thanks, Mikado!" She called over.

"No problem!" The hacker replied, mixing cottage cheese into the pancake batter he was making.

Sora came out of the bathroom and twirled in her dress. "Now I have a dress that matches your dark red one." She smiled at the hostess, whose face turned as red as Sora's dress. 

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