Death, Destruction, Despair

479 16 25

Warning: mentioned death


"Some 'school of hope' this is!"

"You took our parents to the cleaners, you thieves!"

"Our money doesn't grow on trees!"

"Hope's Peak?! What a crock!"

"This whole place is a scam!"

Those cries rang out across the campus as the Reserve Course students gathered at the new Hope's Peak Academy building's gates. Nobody in the main course knew what happened to get the Reserve Course the way they were now, but they all were cooped up inside the new school building for their safety.

Class 79-B watched from the window as the security guards patrolled the courtyard and held off the rioting Reserve Course students at the gates. They all wore grim and worried faces as they huddled close, continuing to stare out the window.

"I knew it, I knew this would happen..." Syobai muttered, repeating it in a trance as he sat on the nearest desk to the window, holding Yuri in place on his lap.

"Okay, I hate to admit this, but maybe we should've listened to Syobai." Hibiki sighed, her arms wrapped around Setsuka's midsection. 

"How could we have known though? We had no way of knowing this would happen." Kanade reassured.

"Actually..." Sora turned to Mikado and Nikei. "You two had an idea that something sinister was going on back in November. You said that, but never elaborated. Why didn't you?"

"There was a teacher with us, she swore us to secrecy and we trusted that she'd handle it!" The wizard protested frantically, only calming down when Sora took his hand and rubbed the back of it, calming him down.

Yoruko opened her student handbook and began to glare. "The school administrators - the committee, the trustees, the directors - they're trying to cover up what's going on." The counsellor huffed.

"Of course they are." Setsuka groaned with a roll of her eyes. "Why does that not surprise me as much as it should?"

"They're not even telling us the cause of the riot in the first place." Shinji added.

"We aren't even allowed to call it that." Kokoro spoke up. "The school wants us to refer to it as a Parade."

"But if it walks like a duck, and it talks like a duck..." Nikei grumbled, his body held by Mikado and halfway inside of the wizard's cape. "I swear, it's got something do with the thing that I told you all about last night."

Emma scooped Kokoro up into her arms to calm her nerves. "Why do I have the feeling that Nikei's right?" She asked, remembering how Nikei started a group call in the middle of the night and informed them that the entire Student Council was murdered in the old school building.

"If this escalates, we may need to warn our families." Yuri cautioned, letting herself be held by the distressed broker. Because of the situation, Yuri allowed him to temporarily have his cigarettes back.

"Let's hope the school has deescalated the situation by then." Iroha whimpered, clinging onto Kanade tightly.

Hajime sighed. "Don't count on it. This has been a long time coming, from what I've heard." He spoke as the class watched as a Reserve Course student tried to climb the gates, but was pushed back by a metal rod.

The first sign of the Parade breaking out was when some of the class was attacked by some stray Reserve Course students on their way to the courtyard. Mikado had unsealed his powers and the fighters of the class subdued the attackers while the rest of them made a break for their classroom. After the fighters got back, they called security and reported what happened.

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