All Good Things

468 14 71

Warning: mentioned child abuse/death


As Sora walked into the shared living space of her dorm, she stretched and yawned. She had gone to get lessons from several different Ultimate students today, so she felt extremely exhausted. Nevertheless, she continued to stay upright.

The first person she had gone to was Chiaki Nanami, the Ultimate Gamer and the class representative of Class 77-B. Under Chiaki's guidance, she had learned about several different game genres and which skills you needed to beat them. For action games, she needed accuracy, for rhythm games, she needed timing, for games where she had to make quick choices, she needed reflexes and quick thinking, and for mystery games, she needed to be observant. Compared to Chiaki, her social skills made her good at romance games and dating simulators.

The next person she went to was Yasuhiro Hagakure, the Ultimate Clairvoyant and the guy who had tried numerous times at the start of the year to swindle a helpless and mentally weak Mikado into buying his products. At the time, Sora threatened to shave his head bald if he tried scamming or selling drugs to a previously homeless boy with no social knowledge, so it wasn't any wonder that he was scared when she walked up and asked for a lesson. Hesitantly, the clairvoyant taught Sora all she needed to know about how to read fortunes through tarot, palm reading, and a crystal ball.

Another person she went to was, reluctantly, Byakuya Togami, the Ultimate Affluent Progeny and the certified prick of Class 78. She didn't ask him for money or about his life, but she chose her words carefully and asked him to teach her about how to run a business. That question piqued his interest and he proceeded to teach her how to select people based on their observed talents and not their claimed talents, how to manage money, and how to handle stocks and influence the market.

The last person she went to was going to be Ted Chikatilo, but then she remembered that he graduated. Instead, she went over into Class 79-A and asked Kiyoka Maki for a sniping lesson. Surprisingly enough, she obliged and taught Sora how to accurately hit targets at a far distance. Despite being tired from her prior lessons, Sora sucked it up and managed to follow Kiyoka's instructions, though she was told to ask for another lesson when she was more well-rested.

Sora glanced at the calendar and clock on the wall beside the table, seeing that it was April 23rd and almost six o'clock. Sora looked at the stove and contemplated whether she wanted to cook today or not. After gauging her own fatigue, she decided not to cook at the moment. Turning to the door of Mikado's room, she hoped that he was awake and able to cook.

Sora opened the door to see both boys typing on their respective laptops, and Nikei turned his head to see her. "Oh, hey. What's up, Sora?" The journalist asked, leaning on his hacker.

"Hey, does Mikado have a sec?" Sora asked. "I went and binged lessons, and now I don't think I have the energy to cook tonight."

Mikado sighed and shook his head. "Sora, I thought we had this conversation. You shouldn't blow all of your energy just for your talent." He scolded.

"I'm aware of that, but I thought I just needed some hustle, that's all." The albino shot back.

"Pfft, I thought YOU would've at least be the responsible one." Nikei snickered.

"Well, what's done is done. Nobody can change the past." Sora spoke. "Anyways, that's not what I came here for. Mikado, could you make supper?"

"Huhu, sure. I'll get started right away." The hacker agreed, saving his work before closing his laptop and standing up from the bed.

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