Critical Sky

417 16 5

Warning: implied sexual content


As Sora woke up at the brink of sunrise, white sheets surrounding and enveloping her, she yawned quietly and blinked a few times to awareness. She felt the cold of the sheets on her naked body and hugged into herself, holding onto the nearest heat source as she tried to remember what was going to transpire today.

The wedding had taken place yesterday, and both Class 79-A and 79-B as well as Yuki, Ayumi, and the relatives of both classes had been in attendance as guests. Yamato had declared that day to be a day off for the Kisaragi Foundation, but the rest of the common workers hadn't known what it had been declared for. The invitees held their tongues on the matter, and nobody bothered to ask.

The ceremony had been private, held on the rooftops of the research centre. The wind had been blissfully quiet, and the sky had been a clear, bright blue. The branch heads, now having something to do that wasn't their boring, ordinary work, had helped set up everything, from food tables to benches, and they even moved the podium from the auditorium to the rooftop. Everything has been perfectly prepared for Sora and Yoruko to marry.

Reminded of the day before, the albino looked down at herself with a smile on her face. The hostess was laying halfway on top of her, just as nude as she was. Her hair was messy and her position on Sora was awkward, but she slept there with a peaceful look on her face. Sora adored the way her wife's soft breaths heated her skin, but today was very important for everyone.

Sora reached towards the hostess and gently rubbed the top of her head. "Ruko~ Come on, it's time to wake up now." She cooed in a tired voice.

Yoruko slowly opened her eyes and looked up at Sora with a tired gaze. "...Sora?" She murmured in a confused tone.

"Yeah, I'm here." The albino replied, moving her hand to her wife's upper back and rubbing there.

"...It's cold." The hostess muttered while wrapping her arms tighter around the taller girl, nuzzling her stomach in order to sink into her warmth.

"You'll be warmer once we get some clothes on and some breakfast into us." Sora gently nudged the other girl. "Come on, Akane promised me yesterday that she'll make pancakes for us. Here, let's get out together."

Gently encouraged by her new wife, Yoruko got off of Sora's body and managed to leave the bed. Sora followed soon afterwards, stretching herself out as soon as her feet were touching the ground.

"Well, that was a good rest. Here, your dress." The albino handed Yoruko her clothes, letting the smaller girl take them before looking for her own uniform.

It took a few minutes for them to finish fully getting dressed, but they sat back down on the bed once they did. "Yesterday was so amazing, Sora." Yoruko commented. "I mean, we're finally wives! I always hoped that this day would come, but when the Tragedy happened, I never thought that it would be possible."

"Well, I'm here now." Sora spoke. "And I'm never leaving you again."


The big day had finally arrived. Both classes of Hope's Peak Academy that hadn't lost a single member to death during the Tragedy were sitting on benches and looking towards the front of the rooftops, where a small podium stood in front of a view of the sea.

Kinji stood behind the podium in formal wear, holding a bible with some cue cards for his lines in the wedding. He faced the crowd and kept his breathing even through years of trained practice. There wasn't an inch of nervousness in him, not only having done this time and time again, but even being on the receiving end of those lines.

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