Season of Excitement

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July 20th was soon upon them, the day that Hope's Peak Academy finally opened up its gates to let the students out for summer vacation. Many students went home to visit their parents, while others stayed in residence due to their homes being too far away. For Class 79-B, they decided to stay right in their situated dorms. For some of them, they didn't have a home to return to, and frankly, everyone was too invested in their bonds with each other to bother leaving.

Whatever the case was, the majority of students left the school grounds during the day now that staying at school wouldn't be mandatory for about a month. The class was ecstatic, happy to practically have the grounds to themselves to conduct their shenanigans. And now that most of them had significant others and really strong bonds with their classmates, they would have many opportunities to go to places that they wouldn't normally go thanks to the absence of the students that normally hung out in those areas of school.

As the class in the residence building watched the Reserve Course students leave to go back home on the last day of school, the sun dipped below their line of sight and heralded a temporary time of freedom.


The next morning on their first day of freedom, Kokoro had dragged four students to a doctor's office with her, and a fifth tagged along.

"Kanade? Are you here to get your shot too?" Kokoro asked, waiting for the receptionist at the desk to be available to talk.

The guitarist shook her head. "No, I've already been vaccinated! It's kind of a requirement when you're part of a world-famous band." She smiled sweetly at the psychologist. "I didn't know where the doctor's office was; I'm just here to pick up some things."

Kokoro nodded and turned away, watching the receptionist as she booked an appointment for another patient and was finishing up the conversation. Kanade smiled as she walked over to a nearby shelf close to the ground and picked up a few brochures, putting one back and picking up another one before leaving.

"...Aaaand there she goes." Syobai drawled, leaning against the wall. Because he couldn't have a cigarette to calm his nerves, he held the back of his hand to his mouth and was gently biting the skin to distract himself. He hated being at doctor's offices and overly-sterilized places in general.

Nikei watched Kanade leave and had a strange feeling. "Why on earth would a girl like her need a bunch of mental health brochures?" He asked.

Iroha clung to his side like a barnacle, afraid of professional-looking people and needles. "H-How would I know? She doesn't t-tell me anything..." The painter shivered.

Th last person, Mikado, was just confused. He turned to Syobai and tapped him on the shoulder. "Um, what's a vaccine?" He quietly asked.

"A vaccine's when they put a needle in your arm and inject you with all sorts of things that strengthen your immune system. If you don't get it, you'll die." The broker summarized.

"Oh..." Was all that Mikado could reply with. He didn't remember if he ever got one, and he thanked his Divine Luck that he was still living right now.

Meanwhile, the receptionist had finished her talk with the patient and Kokoro walked up to her. "Hello, I brought my friends for their vaccination today." She motioned to the four behind her.

"Do any of them have a preexisting medical record?" The receptionist asked.

Kokoro turned to the others. "Guys, do you have a medical record?" She parroted.

Nikei shook his head with a dark gaze. Mikado looked at her in confusion, not knowing what a medical record was.

"I think my family might've burned or deleted mine...or just never got me one..." Iroha explained sheepishly.

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