My Impurest Heart for You

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Warning: Aphrodisiacs, unconsensual drugging, that one scene from Danganronpa 3, maybe implied underage (idk, but they are 17-18 and of age over where I am living but I'll put this here for others), implied sexual content (in case anyone is uncomfortable, I will separate the nsfw section with a bolded "~~~")


 Syobai's alarm clock resounded through his room, causing him to slowly open his eyes with a groan. Rolling over sleepily, he patted around his bedside table until he found the alarm clock he bought. He slammed the top of it and it shut off immediately, filling the room with stone-cold silence. 

The broker sat up in his bed, wishing that he could go for a smoke right now. However, he didn't want to deal with his dormmate's bullshit this early in the morning. Well, it was almost noon, so early probably wasn't the best word to use. Regardless, the sentiment still stood that he didn't want to deal with his man-hating roommate.

Oddly enough, Syobai noticed, Yuri had been growing more tolerant to men lately, even hanging out with them for a short time if they asked him to. Syobai had been using this to get Yuri to help him identify his clients so he would know if they would go back on their word. So far, the spaceman had helped him turn down five unreliable business deals that were just trying to take advantage of an Ultimate student. 

Syobai normally wouldn't turn down an offer if it got him money, but he had noticed that more people were trying to swindle him as of late. When Yuri was passing by Syobai managing his deals at the table, he had warned the broker not to deal with one of the clients, as they had a history of 'shooting the messenger' to get away with their dealings scot-free to save their own PR. Ever since then, he always brought the names of new clients to Yuri to see if the spaceman would recognize them.

Syobai sighed and pulled the sheets around him, grateful that nobody shared a room with him to see this. Any sign of weakness would only get him killed, and nothing could disprove that. Ignoring the chill from the air conditioner, he turned on his handbook and facepalmed when he looked at the date. August 3rd, the day he was born. He didn't exactly celebrate his birthday, hell, he didn't even know how Hope's Peak Academy even got information like that. Immediately, Syobai went to the group chat and typed out a quick message.

Syobai: hey fuckers, dont do anything big for my birthday. i literally dont care

He put his handbook down and got up from his bed, wishing he could just sleep longer. Or perhaps, even forever. He could feel the bags under his eyes. But he still needed food so that he could live one more day. Even trash like him could understand that, who should've been dead years ago. 

Opening his door to go to the shared living space, he wondered if Yuri had some leftovers in the fridge. At this point, he was sure that the spaceman was used to him stealing his food and must've either hid his favourite foods or just bought more so that the broker could feed on something without taking it all. Whatever, at least taking Yuri's food cost nothing.


When the knock on the door finally came late in the afternoon, Setsuka sprang from the table in the living space and opened it. "Hey, Kado!" She greeted enthusiastically.

"Greetings." Mikado returned, stepping past Setsuka and coming into her dorm. "Apologies for being so late. I would've teleported in here, but Ms. Sora told me that it's bad etiquette to trespass, even when someone is expecting you."

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