Peaceful Mornings

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Warning: implied sexual content aftermath, unsafe binding, implied csa


Sora woke up in the middle of the night naked under her bedsheets. She guessed that when the drug in their systems ran out, it caused them all to fall into a deep sleep. If she went off of that hypothesis, the others who ate the drugged food should wake up at night like she did.

Looking beside her, she saw Yoruko plastered to her side. Sora swept a bit of stray hair out of the hostess's face, and her eyes slowly opened. "...Sora?" She sleepily asked.

"Hey, Ruko." The albino smiled, leaning forwards and pressing a kiss to her girlfriend's forehead. "You doing okay?"

"Yeah, just a little tired." Yoruko yawned, as if proving her point. She relaxed against Sora's body again. "Hey, can we go back to sleep? I don't want you to go anywhere." She asked.

"Aww, you're adorable." Sora cooed looking at her girlfriend's sleepy expression. "Don't worry, I'm not going to kill Setsuka until the morning."

"Kill...? I mean, she did do all of this, but don't kill her." The hostess chastised.

"Don't worry, I won't. I'm pretty sure Mikado's gonna beat me to it anyways." The taller girl smiled. "I don't think he appreciates his cooking being spiked."

"Well, if he's going to kill Setsuka, that leaves us out of any police raid that'll come of it." Yoruko sighed, closing her eyes and nestling her head into the pillow.

Unlike her girlfriend, Sora decided to stay up for a little while longer. She had to make sure that her classmates were okay and survived the incident. One thing was for certain though, Setsuka was going to be in a load of trouble, no matter what anyone said.


Mikado became awake before he opened his eyes, feeling a weight on his chest. He was used to shambling around blindly when he couldn't see, whether he was in the dark or whether the natural elements blinded him. Regardless, he considered being aware with one's eyes closed a valuable skill.

Slowly, he opened his eyes and surveyed his surroundings. It was the middle of the night, as far as he could tell, and he figured that he should be asleep. But when he looked down at the unusual weight on him, he couldn't help but stay awake.

To his surprise, Nikei lay on top of him, resting his head on his arms as he snoozed peacefully. Normally, the journalist would lie beside him when they slept, but whether he would sleep with his arms wrapped around Mikado or not was optional. With one hand, Mikado placed an arm on his sleeping boyfriend's bare lower back, wondering how he wasn't stirring from the action.

Mikado yawned and felt something brush his head. Looking up, he saw the scarf that Nikei had used to tie his hands to the headboard. Right, Nikei had a few conditions that Mikado had to follow in order to receive his help: Nikei would be in control of the situation, Mikado's hands would be restrained, they would use protection, and Nikei would keep on the blue thing that was tightly constraining his chest.

Mikado was confused by the last one and why Nikei was so insistent on it. It looked painful to wear, and when did he take it off? Did he even want to take it off? Of course, Mikado now knew that Nikei's chest - and whole body, for that matter - were like Sora's or Yoruko's, but wouldn't he be hurt from wearing the blue thing all the time? And why did he tie Mikado up so tight and insist on those rules, though Mikado could understand why for one of them, like he thought he'd be hurt if didn't? He had to talk to him about that later. 

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