Live and Let the Languid World Live

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Syobai walked out of his room to the shared living space and was surprised when he smelled smoke. He saw Yuri at the stove, attempting to cook something and failing miserably, and he rushed over to her.

The first thing he did was turn off the stove before taking the pan off the stovetop. "What the hell." He sighed as he put the pan down and looked at what was burned inside.

"I just wanted some eggs..." Yuri moped, staring at her ruined creation.

Syobai shook his head. "Do you even know how to cook?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

Yuri shook her head with a sigh. "No... I lived with a bunch of maids, they usually did it for me." She admitted.

"Whatever, I'll cook breakfast." Syobai walked over to the fridge to maybe get some more eggs or some jam for toast, but there was nothing there but condiments. Syobai didn't feel like having ketchup for breakfast, so he went to check their cabinet where they put their bread. Once again, he found nothing there. "Well, shit."

He turned around and found that Yuri wasn't behind him, instead in the bathroom and getting her medication. "Hey, did you go grocery shopping recently?" He called.

Yuri quickly put away her Aldactone medication and hurried out of the bathroom. "Um, no. Not recently. I usually have Kokoro to help me get food, but she's been busy recently." She explained.

"Wait, why the hell do you need Kokoro to go grocery shopping with you?" Syobai asked. He suddenly felt the urge to facepalm as the answer immediately came to him. "Right. Your servants did it for you. You don't know how to."

"That is unfortunately correct." Yuri nodded. An idea suddenly came to her. "Since you're a lot more used to normal life than I am, how about you teach me?" The astronaut suggested.

Syobai looked at her with a deadpan expression before sighing. "Sure, what the hell. As long as you pay me." Yuri went into her room and got her wallet and Syobai shook his head amusedly. "The cost of this lesson is that you pay for all the groceries we get."

"Of course!" Yuri exclaimed. "Now, let's get started!"


And that's how Syobai found himself at the grocery store with a tiny, hyperactive Russian at his heels dragging him and a shopping cart to random sections and showing him different food sections and asking his opinion.

"Now listen, these eggs are a bit more expensive than the other ones, but that's because they're bigger. If we buy the bigger eggs over the other ones, that means that less eggs will need to be used because of their size, as opposed to running out of eggs faster and needing to buy more sooner. Keep in mind that there will always be twelve eggs per carton." Syobai carefully put the larger eggs in the cart and gave Yuri the smaller ones to put back. 

"So, what you're saying is that the quality also factors into the decision as well as the price?" She asked.

"Bingo. Now, let's go buy some bread. What kind you in the mood for?" The broker casually asked.

"Perhaps we should get some sourdough bread..." Yuri thought aloud, walking over and looking at the different kinds of sourdough bread before picking one out and bringing it to Syobai. "Like this?" She asked, presenting it to him.

He looked it over and took it from her. "Not bad." He remarked as he put it in the cart. "Hey, those muffins over there are on sale. Let's go check 'em out." The broker brought the cart over and looked at the muffins, Yuri looking over his shoulder.

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