The Worst Reunion by Chance

463 13 18

Warning: mentioned murder/death


"...Sora? Sora! Wake up, Sora!"

Sora opened her eyes against the light, slightly weirded out by the fact that there was a purple sky, but more focused on the pink-haired hostess leaning over her, looking down at her with a worried face. Sora sat up and groaned, wondering how she managed to wake up on a beach...again.

She had no time to ponder the question when Yoruko suddenly hugged her. "Thank god... I'm so glad you're okay, Sora..." She sniffled. "When I found you on the ground...I thought you were dead. I thought I was dead..."

"It's alright, Yoruko. I'm fine, and so are you." The albino replied, hugging her back. "Do you know what's going on? I wan to know our situation."

Yoruko pulled back and sat on the beach next to Sora. "Well, we obviously didn't know what to do until our minds went blank..." She sighed and shook her head. "...S-Somehow, we survived our execution. I can't believe we're still alive..."

"What happened to the execution?" Sora questioned. "I mean, I'm not complaining, but why are we on this beach? Where are the others? And...are we still in the virtual world?"

"I mean, you don't really see a purple sky with zeroes and ones floating around everyday, do you." The hostess replied sarcastically.

"Despite me not remembering, I don't think that's normal." Sora chuckled. "Speaking of, our memories aren't back yet. Well mine as Akane Taira are, but yours aren't, right?"

"No...wait a second." Yoruko took out her student handbook and searched for something on it, sighing in disappointment shortly after. "Our reset codes haven't activated. Dammit."

"Wait, what?" Sora quickly checked her own student handbook, confirming the same thing. "Wait, if the reset codes haven't been activated, why do I have my memories back?"

"The reset code is not absolute. The reset code just initializes the tampered state of data."

"Tampered state? What's that?" Yoruko asked, then proceeded to double take when she realized that someone behind her said that. "Wait, WHAT?!"

Sora and Yoruko wheeled around at the sound of the new voice. Standing behind them was a girl their age with long, white hair that had small streaks of dark brown, a blue hospital gown, and white wings coming from her back with a golden, spiny halo floating above her head. She looked at them with a serene smile as she gazed at them with her golden eyes.

"It's a pleasure to see you all again." The girl calmly spoke.

Sora tilted her head in confusion. "Um, who are you?" 

"I am the one you knew as 'Monocrow', but I suppose the simulation crash reverted me to my real form." The girl spoke. "I am glad for that, I was so tired of being a crow...and controlled by Mikado."

"Wait, he was controlling you all this time?" The albino questioned. "I mean, I had a hunch that was the case, but are you not on his side anymore?"

"I can confirm that I am no longer your enemy. I am free from the limitations he put on me, and I can now assist you two."

"Wait, why were you a crow? And what is your REAL name, not the thing Mikado gave you?" Yoruko spoke up.

"I suppose these wings were the reason why I became a bird. Quite ironic, really." She sighed. "My name was Yuri, though I currently have no memories of being her. However, if you wish to call me that, I will not stop you."

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