Sick Day

996 25 16

Warning: illness, fever, unsafe binding


As a new day dawned upon the campus grounds, Nikei Yomiuri was up and about to get interviews, as he always did.

Today though, he was feeling more crappy than normal. His head hurt like hell and he was feeling cold and tired. He thought that it was really unusual, considering that it was almost the beginning of summer. 

Even stranger, some of the students were purposely going out of their way to avoid him, some of them even telling him to 'get some rest'. Nikei huffed after his latest failure, wondering if he accidentally built himself up a reputation with his running around and interviewing.

The journalist sighed, rubbing his aching forehead. He soon became confused, realizing that his forehead was as hot as hell. That shouldn't be right, his body felt freezing, unless...

Nikei wasn't stupid, quickly realizing what was happening to him. Somehow, he was sick and got a fever in the process. Now he realized why everyone was avoiding him, they didn't want to catch whatever he had. Nikei sighed, knowing that he couldn't let anyone he knew see him.

If they saw him shambling around in the courtyard, trying to 'further develop his talent as a journalist', as the academy put it, they wouldn't leave him alone about it. He considered maybe hiding someplace where they couldn't find him, someplace where they couldn't get on his case about taking care of himself. He already had Hajime do it for a couple years while living in a warehouse with him, who was the most persistent caregiver ever.

Nikei shivered from an array of chills racking his body and he quickly darted behind a tree, sinking down to the ground so that his body could be hidden by the bushes lining the courtyard paths. He didn't want to seem weak to everyone he knew and strangers as well. His first mistake in that plan was breaking down in front of Mikado, and now he had to pretend that they were both dating to cover up his reputation.

The ache in Nikei's head slowly grew to a constant throb, and the journalist curled into himself. He knew that it would eventually pass, but it would be hellishly painful first. He had gotten by on the tiniest scraps of medicine before when he was a child, so he could definitely survive this bout. As pain flashed across his mind and his vision turned momentarily white, he lowered his head to his knees and squeezed his eyes shut. An involuntary whimper bubbled up from the back of his throat, and he wished that this torture would end soon.


Setsuka walked through the courtyard, smiling as she enjoyed the sunny day. It was much better than reminiscing on the dream she had the night before. It was about a spectre standing at the foot of her bed, and it gave her chills just thinking about it. She figured that a walk on a beautiful day and some fresh air would clear her mind and lessen her worries.

She was just passing beside a fountain when she heard quiet, pained whimpering nearby. She followed the sound to its source, behind some bushes, and found Nikei curled up into a ball with his head to his knees. He seemed to be shivering uncontrollably while whimpering and holding his arms around himself like his life depended on it.

"Hey, Nik? You alright there?" Setsuka gently asked.

Nikei's head rose up and she saw just how much of a wreck he was. His face was flushed and his eyes were pained and only partially focused. He looked like he was on the verge of both crying and passing out, and his hair was messy under his askew hat. His eyes met hers and they widened as he tried to back away from her. "H-Huh?! What are you doing here?!" He tearfully exclaimed.

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