An Unsealed Secret

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Coming back onto the Hope's Peak campus, Nikei whistled a happy tune as he walked along with a spring in his step. 

He managed to collect a bunch of interviews regarding the rumours that Hope's Peak Elementary School Division was unethically exploiting the talents of young children, and he even scored an interview with the Ultimate Fashionista, Junko Enoshima herself! Who even told him that he could interview her again later!

As he passed the threshold and onto the campus, the journalist gave a quick two-fingered salute to Juzo at the gates before continuing on his merry way. He wondered to himself if he was going to be able to finish the article before midnight tonight. Seeing how the sky was bearing its sunset colours now, he doubted he would have it ready by then, but then again, he had never doubted the power of energy drinks. Maybe he could ask Mikado to give him an energy boost.

Speaking of him, as of late, Nikei began to tolerate Mikado's clinginess more and even began to relax himself whenever the wizard wrapped himself around him. He had to admit, with his brain adjusting to his new levels of testosterone and the sensitivity of his nerves thanks to the...'process' of the spell, his energy levels suddenly skyrocketed and he realized that being held actually felt really nice. Or maybe it was because it was Mikado doing it.

The journalist approached the residence building and headed inside, seeing Hajime walking with Iroha towards the entrance. "Hey, shorty. Where are you going?" He affectionately teased, being in a good mood this evening.

"I'm going to visit Kanade again. She really likes inviting me for some reason, and not her sister, but I'm okay with that!" Iroha chirped. The painter's face suddenly turned a bit downcast. "She doesn't seem to like talking with Hibiki much anymore."

"Ooh, sibling drama? Well, I better stay out of that. Even I know not to poke my nose in business where it doesn't belong." The journalist sighed.

"You actually know how to do that?" The boxer asked with a smile. "That's a first."

"Hey! What the hell are you trying to say?!" Nikei exclaimed.

"Well, I better get Iroha over to the clinic. Wouldn't want to keep Kanade waiting, right?" Hajime laughed, ignoring the journalist's protestations and pushing Iroha out the door. 

Nikei watched them go and shook his head. "That poor kid's gonna die, isn't she?" He joked. He figured it would be from Hajime's speech about precautions to take when she's going somewhere at night than from Kanade herself. After all, with how meek that guitarist was, he figured that she couldn't hurt a fly. Though she seemed close to mauling Syobai over a game of cards once. A game that Mikado won by sheer luck.

Right, Mikado. Nikei had to get back to his dorm and make sure that his uncultured boyfriend didn't accidentally kill himself with the microwave while he was gone. Well, not that he would use it over making his food himself, but anything is possible if you are curious about something.

He walked up the stairs and figured that he should get a quick bite to eat from the fridge before he began working on his article. Mikado made some really good lasagna the night before and made a lot of it, so he could dig up the leftovers and eat a piece or two before grabbing an energy drink and getting to work. 

How the hell did he or Sora get ahold of ricotta cheese anyway? It either must've not been as rare as he thought it was or the two were somehow miracle workers. He'd have to investigate that tomorrow. The current article about the kids took first priority. After all, when he published it, maybe somebody could look into the situation and confirm if it was true or not.

Finally, he opened the door of Room 2-29 with a relieved sigh. Home at last. Well, this wasn't quite 'home' per se, but the alternative was an abandoned warehouse that was converted by the four Children of Utsuro into their shelter. Mikado probably thought it was home or some form of heaven to him, considering that he never had one before.

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