Another Chapter

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The sky was dark and the full moon illuminated the ground below, bathing the students that walked below in silver light. 

They all wore different kinds of kimonos as they walked along a path cleared of snow. A few of them huddled together from the cold, but they had this planned since a few days prior and wouldn't turn back now. In their hands, they carried masses of bundled fireworks, and they held onto them tightly as they walked to an undisclosed location. 

When they came to a place on a hill with a red circle drawn with spray paint, the class stepped inside and held onto each other. Two people raised their hands, and red and white light wrapped itself around the students, teleporting them away in a flash of pink.


"Hey, guys!" Setsuka exclaimed, running up to the class gathered in the residence lounge on their floor, holding a rather large box.

"Did you get what I asked you to?" Sora asked. "...Or did you spend all the money I gave you for it on turkey stuffing again?"

"Hey! Turkey stuffing is really good!" Iroha protested.

"Yeah, but it's the microwavable kind." Nikei spoke up. "Personally, Mikado's stuffing is better."

Hajime sighed as the painter started to blush. "Iroha, put the goddamn sketchbook down, don't even think about it. But I'll have to agree, homemade stuffing is better than the store brand."

Sora ignored the chatter and took the box from Setsuka, putting it on the table. Opening it up, she was delighted to find kimonos in different shapes, sizes, and colours inside, one for each person. "Alright, it's finally here!" She announced, getting everyone's attention.

"The outfits finally arrived?" Kanade asked elatedly.

Beside her, Hibiki jumped in delight. "Yes! Finally!" She exclaimed.

"So, are you gonna hand them out already or what, Albino?" Syobai demanded.

"Patience is a virtue, Trashimoto." The class rep shot back, and began handing out the outfits to everyone. For herself, she got a light grey kimono with flower designs on the sleeves and the white hakama that came with.

Kanade's was next, and she received a pink kimono with a red obi and a piece of fur to put around her shoulders. "Woah, this is so pretty!" The guitarist marveled, looking it over. "I'm gonna go put it on!" She turned and began running back to her dorm.

Coincidentally, Iroha got her kimono right after her girlfriend got hers. It was light green with rainbow designs and a yellow obi, and it was customized with fur on the sleeves. "Ooh, this is pretty! How expensive was this?" She asked.

"As expensive as they regularly are, but it cost more than a usual kimono for the customization." Setsuka answered. "I think it'll look good on you, Roro!"

"I-I'll go put it on!" The painter quickly followed her girlfriend's path, going back to her dorm to change. She nearly tripped, but quickly regained her balance and kept running.

Sora chuckled and took the next kimono out of the box, handing it to her girlfriend. It was a hot pink colour with light pink vine-like designs covering the sleeves and bottom of the kimono, and a dark blue obi lay on top of it.

"Heh, this looks nice." Yoruko remarked. "I'll have to go and put it on. Be right back!" The hostess took the outfit and quickly walked back to her dorm to change.

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