You Are My Reason to Die

494 15 102

Warning: mentioned murder/brainwashing, violence, kidnapping


"Woah, slow down a second!" Shinji exclaimed. "What do you mean that Chiaki's missing?"

"I-I-I don't know! She was there one moment, but she disappeared the next!" The nurse cried.

"Hold on, when did this happen?" Sora demanded. "When I saw you guys running around outside yesterday, she was still there with you."

"I, um, I..." Mikan then burst into tears. "I'm sorry! I don't know a thing!"

Kokoro looked at her with narrowed eyes. "Are you really telling us the truth?" She coolly questioned.

"Y-Yes!" The crying girl sobbed. "Sh-She's nowhere to be found! W-We looked everywhere, but we can't do this on our own!"

"Hm..." Sora began to think. "On one hand, we might be able to help you find her. On the other hand, it's not worth risking the lives of the whole class to save a single person. What to do..."

"That's the real problem, isn't it?" Emma sighed.

"Y-Yeah, just take a look outside." Hajime added. "The security guards have to use metal poles to push the Reserve Course off the gates."

"Some of them even got over the gate!" Iroha whimpered, turning to Kanade for comfort.

The guitarist wrapped the painter snug in her arms and did her best to soothe her. "They might have gotten over, but security made sure to punch their lights out and get the back over. As long as they do their job, we're safe..."

"...I wouldn't count on it." Syobai commented.

Mikan looked up at Sora with tears in her eyes. "Th-Then how about you or someone else come with me to look for Chiaki?" She asked.

The class representative paused for a moment before thinking again. "...That would solve both cases at hand. If I go, I'll be able to use the Ultimate Detective talent I learned to help look for her, and I won't need to risk the lives of my classmates." She concluded.

"Ra-ra, as much as I'm onboard for looking for Chiaki, you and Mikan shouldn't be going alone out in the daytime." Setsuka sternly spoke. "If the Reserve Course kids got over the main gate, they can definitely get over any other unguarded place."

"You're right. I'm going to need some backup." Sora agreed, turning to the rest of her classmates. "Hey, Mikado? Do you have some time available?"

The wizard stood up, smoothing out his cape. "Of course I do; I'm cooped up inside and can't go anywhere." He stated with a roll of his eyes.

"Wait, Sora, Mikado!" Yuri frantically chimed in. "Are you sure that you two and Mikan will be alright? Who knows what will happen out there?!"

"I'm glad that you are worried about us, but don't forget that both Sora and myself are highly skilled when it comes to combat conditions. A bunch of mindlessly aggressive fools stand no chance against us." Mikado reassured.

"B-But still..." Hibiki joined in, tears brimming in her eyes. "What if you guys never come back?"

"That...might be a possibility. However, I've been prepared for death all my life, and I've grown used to the feeling. Nothing will shake me, but even so..." Mikado sighed and walked over to Nikei, who stared at him with worried eyes. "Please, if something does happen to us, please don't cry. If this is my fate, then let it be so." 

"B-But Mikado-" The journalist was cut off by his boyfriend kissing him, silencing his protests. Tears forming in his eyes, the smaller boy closed his eyes and kissed back, holding onto Mikado for dear life as if his boyfriend would fade away if he let go.

A Farewell to All FuturesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon