Beautiful Days

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As the sun shone through the curtains of Kokoro's room, she wondered where Emma was at the moment. After a moment of recalling, she remembered Emma saying that she had to go grocery shopping for the dorm. Kokoro had to give her a list of food items with the brand names so that Emma didn't accidentally buy an expensive and cheap-tasting product.

When light normally blinded her like this while she was trying to work on her tablet, she would ask Emma to sit beside her and would move over so that the actress could do so. Having Emma beside her proved to be useful because not only could her body block the light, but she would receive cuddles from the actress as well. It was scientifically proven that dopamine increased productivity, so she could kill two birds with one stone. 

Kokoro shivered from the air conditioning, but didn't have the motivation to go and turn it down. She sighed and sank back down on her bed, disappointed in herself for not just sending Shinji out shopping instead. If Emma were beside her, she would warm her up... Wait, that gave her an idea.

Looking over at the closet, the psychologist could see that Emma had left her usual fur coat and just took a regular hoodie instead. Kokoro placed her tablet on the space beside her on the bed and got up, walking over to the closet. From the top of the dresser, she took Emma's coat and wrapped it around herself. 

Kokoro walked back to the bed and sat back down, pleased with her discovery. Emma's coat was soft and warm, combating the cold air surrounding her. As a bonus, her coat smelled like her body wash, a gentle scent of honey that enveloped her and comforted her as she worked. It was nearly distracting and made Kokoro feel a little drowsy.

Suddenly, said actress opened the door and quickly walked into the room. "Sorry for taking so long, it was a little difficult finding the proper brand and...Kokoro?" She trailed off upon seeing the psychologist wearing her jacket.

When Emma had opened the door, Kokoro had nearly jumped. She didn't say anything as the actress observed the sight before her. She knew that there was nothing that she could say when the situation explained itself.

To her surprise, Emma ran up to her and wrapped her arms around her. "Aww, Kokoro! You look so adorable with that on!" She gushed, a wide smile on her face.

Kokoro blushed and retreated deeper into Emma's jacket. "I'm not adorable." She protested, her actions contradicting her words in Emma's eyes.

"Don't say that! It looks very cute on you!" The taller girl cooed. "Here, you can keep this one. I have extra coats anyways!" She sat down beside Kokoro, thankfully unintentionally blocking the light for the other girl. "So, what's up? Are you still working?" Emma asked, looking over her girlfriend's shoulder.

"I'm just finishing up things before I take a break." Kokoro replied. "You have something in mind, don't you?"

"Well, I was going to go for a walk with Yoruko and leave you to this, but she's away for the day and I figured that you might need some fresh air!" Emma explained.

Kokoro nodded and turned off her tablet, putting it back on the bed and getting to her feet. "Why is Yoruko away?" She asked. 

"She wanted to go and get her driver's license." The actress replied. "Now, why don't we take a little walk around the central plaza and get a little bit of exercise?"

Kokoro didn't like physical exercise, but she knew that cramps were even more trouble to deal with, so she obliged. "Alright. But not for too long so I can get back to work."


"Alright! One, two! One, two! Keep it up!" Nekomaru shouted as Hajime, Shinji, Mitsuhiro, Ayame, and Akane did push-ups in a row. As usual, the gymnast was doing her push-ups faster so that she could leave earlier to go and get some food.

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