Astral Encore

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Before Yuri opened her eyes and began to fully awaken from her slumber, she first noticed and smelled was the faint scent of smoke. The second thing she noticed was that she was cuddling something. And the final thing she noticed was that the fire alarm wasn't going off, even with the smoke.

When she opened her eyes, she was surprised to find her boyfriend curled around her in his sleep, almost akin to a cat. The astronaut had to resist the urge to coo so that she didn't wake him up. Instead, she turned her head to look at a clock and saw that it was almost ten in the morning. Clearly, Syobai turned off her alarm and came to cuddle with her for some reason.

With one last look at the broker, Yuri slipped out of his hold and got out of the bed. Syobai didn't notice a thing, he just kept peacefully sleeping. While her boyfriend was still unaware of her departure, Yuri quickly changed into her kimono and went into the shared living space to get something to eat.

While she was walking into the kitchen, she glanced at the calendar that Syobai put up and saw that it was April 12th. Once again, it was Yuri's birthday, which meant that once again, the class was going to plan something to do to celebrate like they did last year. Thankfully, they never went to class, so they had a lot of spare time on their hands.

Opening up the fridge, Yuri took out a carton of eggs, then proceeded to take a pan out of the cabinet. She took those items over to the stove and put the pan down on the element, taking out the eggs and cracking them on the side before letting the yolks and whites fall into the pan. After checking to make sure there were no bits of shell that had fallen into the mix, Yuri turned on the stove.

With a fork, she continued mixing the eggs together, watching as they turned into scrambled eggs and making sure that they didn't burn. Once she was confident that she had cooked the eggs correctly, she loaded them out of the pan and onto two plates, quickly turning off the stove afterwards.

When she turned around, she was surprised to see Syobai up and leaning on the table. "Well, I'll be damned, you didn't almost catch the kitchen on fire this time." He remarked. "Though there's probably something that's gonna have to go with the eggs. I'll get that part." 

While the broker went to sort through the fridge, Yuri brought the eggs to the table. When Syobai returned, he dropped a cold turkey sandwich on the astronaut's plate and took a bite out of a cold chicken salad sandwich as he sat down in his seat. 

"So, I found you curled around me this morning." Yuri pointed out. "Are you starting to become sociable?"

"The hell do you mean? I'm not just going to go up to random people and do that, you know." Syobai countered. "I don't know why I did it. I just felt like it."

Yuri hummed as she put a forkful of egg in her mouth, knowing why her boyfriend decided to climb into her bed while she slept. With her hypothesis, considering how carefully he was wrapped around her without waking her up, he wanted to do it before she went to sleep but couldn't make himself tell her. That was fine, she could pretend to be oblivious for his sake.


Kokoro: once again, it's yuri's birthday

Hibiki: yay! riri's 19 now!

Emma: are we planning anything this year for her birthday?

Shinji: why don't we do what we did last year? 

Yoruko: we could've died, so i vote no

Hajime: lifeguarding a bunch of drunk people is kinda tough you know?

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