Chapter 58: Too tired

Start from the beginning

Seems like we were going home. No way is she going without me.

I brought out my own suitcase too and started packing. We were a package deal and I was going wherever with her.

"What are you doing?" She finally said when she saw me packing. That caught her attention at least.

In her hand was a pair of red lingerie and she shoved it into the brown box.

Her eyes where still the same as yesterday even when she looked at me, it was like she could barely see me.

"I'm going with you." I said it gently like it was the obvious answer.

"I'm going home."

"Then that's where I'm going too."

"Would you just stop," Liz didn't shout either.

"Would you please eat first. You need to eat,"My eyes roamed her body as I spoke. Liz was fresh from the showers but she was dressed and the only evidence was her wet hair.

She had on blue jeans with a white camisole tucked into it and Jean jacket. The jacket had fur trimmings and her hair formed ringlets of curls.

Her face was bare of makeup and she had no jewellery either.

Somehow King Kong was liking the appreciative glance. Like what I needed right now was to get aroused.

Liz nodded in response and moved toward the vanity.

I was so surprised she was eating. Liz took tiny bites. She always ate courteously except when she was stuffing her face with ice cream.

It felt satisfying watching her eat and at the same time it felt weird.

Without trust everything gets messed up. You don't even trust the simplest actions you make.

Here am I asking my self if standing to watch her eat was okay. I must have done it a million times before but it felt just right.

"Thanks." Her voice came through cutting my line of thoughts and pushing away the tray.

So she was done already?

Now I understand that I get lost when I'm watching her. Every single thing amazes me. She finished the whole meal I brought her and it made me so happy.

Liz resumed packing when she got up.

I needed her to say something, to say anything.

I'll take her being mean to me. Honestly, I'll take anything but this. Not this cordial, empty clipped responses.

The need to go to her and hug her. To beg her not to shut me out or ask her if she was okay creeped on me but my feet stood rooted to the spot.

My throat swallowed the 'I love you' that sat there like a huge bone wedged across it.

After a while of nerve wracking silence I finally spoke, "I'm so sorry."

"For what?" Stuffing her shoes into the box now.

"Everything. I'm sorry about everything. I want to fix this Liz, please tell me how to fix it." I begged sitting on the bed beside the box and my voice broke on it's own accord.

"How do you fix what was never broken?"

"Be mad at me babe, be mean to me just please don't shut me out. I can't take that." My voice sounded rough and scratchy even to me.

"Aren't you tired? God if he exists he knows I'm tired. So just go be with your family and let's just stop."

"You are my family. Baby I'll go to counseling I'll do anything to make this right. Just tell me how, just don't let go of me I'm begging you. I can't do that, I can't. I made a mistake and this hurt me too."

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