Chapter 40: Finding Lilly

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Super long Chapter bear with me please.

For susansaumu

Jason could feel his body shaking as he shot out of the car towards the aquarium where a small crowd was gathered. Immediately he came into view Tiara leapt into his arms, her eyes where bloodshot and voice hoarse from crying.

Jason held Tiara in his arms as her tears soaked the front of his shirt. He wanted to comfort her as best as he could but he also  needed comforting right now. 

The duo stood in front of the aquarium where their daughter Lily went missing earlier today. Lily and her classmates went on an excursion to the city aquarium and the little girls absence wasnt noticed till they had returned back to school.

At first Tiara didn't know what to do till it was almost seven at night and they couldn't find her baby. It felt like she was going to go crazy anytime soon. She clung tighter to Jason's shirt as they waited for news. The entire aquarium has been combed twice and still no sign of Lily.

Jason's phone was ringing and he quickly dug it out with his left arm his other hand around Tiaras shoulder. It was the head of his security team calling. He had asked some men to hack every camera in the city and they were probably calling back to inform him of their findings. He held the phone tensely almost like he was going to break the device with all the pent up frustration he was experiencing right now.

"She entered a taxi?" He asked in disbelief. Where the hell will a five year old go in a taxi?

Tiara let out a ear piercing scream and moved towards the teacher who was in charge of the children. Jason quickly ran after her and stopped her.

"Calm down Tiara please!" He begged.

"Dont ask me to calm down. Do you know how scared she's going to be? Its almost 10pm.How could she have left the group and entered a taxi? Where were are teachers?" As the questions rolled off her tongues so did balls of hot tears. 

Jason couldn't imagine anything happening to Lily. He hasn't gotten around to spoiling her silly, or taking lily to see Iya Agba or  even get to know her. He muttered silent prayers and his phone pinged with another text from Liz which he ignored.

Jason called Xavier and his dad, letting them know what was going on. He needed the boys to be on site now with everything that was going on. Not long after he called Xavier drove in alongside Asher, Xavier and Hammeed. Luckily for him they were all around in San Fran for his birthday.

"Hey bro!" Asher greeted and they took turns giving him the brotherly hug which was mostly a hug with a gentle slap on the back to show reassure him.

"What do you need?" Hameed asked his Arabic accent making his speech thicker.

"Could one of you guys go with Tiara to the police station. I need men checking every major hospital in the city. I have to go to the office myself and oversee the digital check."His voice portrayed a strength he didn't feel, so much was counting on him he needed to be strong now.  Immediately after he finished speaking the guys where dispersing to follow his command, they didn't argue or ask questions about a child from no where they knew nothing about.

Jason was moving towards his car when Xavier stopped him. "No bro I'll drive you to your office. Come on." Jason's face relaxed with gratitude as  he went sure he could drive right now.

The drive down to his office was one of nerve wracking silence, he couldn't bring himself to smile or to say anything. His phone's screen lit up in his hands again and it was Liz calling. He silenced it and threw it back into his pocket.

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