From their POV

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For someone battling depression and suicide.

I talked to you tonight and you told me you were tired.
'Being alive is hard,' Your face scrunched up in concentration and lips puckered in a pout as you spoke.

I see you, do you know I see you?

You've searched for hope and come up empty.
Then you tried your luck with joy but the three letter words were ever so fleeting, you've gone on different search for something, anything worthy and different from the pain.

I feel you, Do you know I feel you?

Your laugh is loud and empty as usual
Tears in your eyes but no mirth
I see how much emotions you display but how disconnected you are from them all, you laugh, you smile, you cry or you bleed.
Didn't matter, because you know what a comma feels like to be breathing yet not alive.

I'm with you, Do you know I'm with you?

On the days the pain is all consuming,
Bitterness all encompassing
Shame so thick you could smell its stench
You wallow in an ocean of self pity and regrets
You wake up and pile them up a little more,
You sit at Misery's altar waiting for salvation knowing it won't come
Tears won't come either it no more brings relief.

I break too, do you know I break too?

I'll inherit your demons if you make that choice,
I'll always wonder what else I could have done?
How else I could have made you see
Made you wait, made you stay?
And someday after you're gone someone else will drown too
Filled with regret of your loss or is it my loss?

Because I am you, after all I am you

I'm disconnected today,
looking into my own life like a stranger would after I'm gone.
I see you,
I feel you,
I breathe you,
I choose you.
To try to break the never ending vicious cycle of loss
Is there someone out there who can see me like I see you?
Feel me like I feel you
Choose me like I choose you.
I choose life.

Looking in now, I wonder if this is how they all felt
Seeing me,
feeling me,
Choosing me
Breaking alongside with me
Yet I said I was alone.

Maybe you'll get better, maybe I'll get better.
Maybe I'll get you to stay,
The odds are stacked high against us,
Hades can definitely wait,
If there is something on the other side of all this pain,
We have to search; for me, for you,
For that stranger; someone else we will drag out of this hellhole.

Finders keepers baby!
If we stop searching we will never find,
Or get to keep
Finders keepers!!!

Please dont drown!!!!!!


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