The Neighbor

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I had just moved into my apartment and I sighed. I tried moving my big furniture alone but I couldn't. I was only five foot even and weighed about a hundred pounds. I hear a sound outside so I open my door and look out to see a few huge guys. 

"Oh hey. You must be the new neighbor" A man says

"Yeah that's me" I say stepping out

"Holy shit your so tiny" Another says grinning

"I'm fun size" I say pouting

"What's with the banging?" Neighbor guy asks

"Furniture" I grumble

"Need some help Tiny?" One asks

"I don't wanna be a bother" I say softly

"Come on tell us what you need" He says walking over

I push my door back open and walk in with them following me. 

"I need my bed, couch, wash and dryer moved" I say with shyness 

"Alright boys let's get moving" One says

"Um wanna tell me names? Um kind of have strangers in my house" I say

"Oh shit sorry tiny. I'm Nathan, that's Dean and i'm Axel your neighbor" Axel says

"Where do you want your bed tiny?" Dean asks

"Oh the far wall" I say 

He nods and walks off and Nathan goes into the laundry room. 

"So where you want it?" Axel asks

"Oh over here" I say pointing

He nods and pushes it over and chuckles when my eyes widen. 

"All done Tiny" Dean says walking in

"Thank you. It would have taken me forever to do it or it would have ended up on top of me" I say with a small smile

"Wanna come to dinner with us? We are going for wings and beer" Axel asks

"I don't wanna impose" I say 

"your not. I asked. Besides the other guys will love you" He says

"How much time do I have? I would like to shower" I say 

"A hour. We just come from practice so I was going to shower as well" He says

"Alright. Just give a knock when your ready." I say

He nods and they leave. I jump in the shower and throw on my tightest jeans I own and a low cut shirt. I slip on my thigh high boots and grab my keys and some money. A knock sounds on the door so I walk over and open it. 

"Hey Tiny" Dean says

"Hey." I say stepping out and locking my door

He steps back and leads me downstairs. We get to Axel's truck and I look up and then down and up again. I hear chuckles and someone steps up behind me. 

"Can i?" Axel asks

"Please" I say 

He opens the door and then grips my hips and lifts me in and then closes my door. 

"So Tiny where you from?" Nathan asks

"Boston" I say 

We talk some more and pull up to Wing stop. They guys get out and Axel opens my door and I slide over to the edge of the seat and he grabs me and lowers me to the ground. 

Random One ShotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon