It's all Over

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Being kidnapped isn't something you would think would ever happen to you til it does. My name is Isabella and I was kidnapped and I don't know why. One minute I was standing in my living room and the next I was on the floor. A bunch of men were in my house and I gasped.

"Grab her" One man shouts

I struggled against him and then the same man said for me to be taken to the house and locked away. It's been three days and no one has come to see me or feed me. I was laying on the floor curled into the corner freezing when a man steps into the room.

"Son of a bitch." He curses and walks towards me

"Isabella are you okay?" He asks

I flinch when he reaches towards me and he sighs.

"Come on now sweetheart. I'm not going to hurt you." He says

"W-who a-are y-you?" I stutter out

"My name is Damien. I had you brought here. I know your scared but I promise I won't hurt you." He tells me

"Why should I trust you?" I snap

"You don't have to trust me at all. I'm asking you to let me prove that I won't hurt you. How about some food and a nice hot shower?" He asks

He holds his hand out to me and I reach my shaking hand out towards his awaiting one. I place my hand in his and he stands helping me stand. I groan and bend over gripping my tummy and he curses again. He scoops me up and I whimper.

"Get the fucking doctor here now" He shouts

He lays me on a huge bed and runs off and then comes back with two ladies.

"Jessie run her a hot bath. Zara food please" He says

She nods and runs off and Jessie walks in and he scoops me up and takes me in the bathroom. He sits me down and turns to leave and closes the door.

"Hi honey. Is it alright if I help you bathe?" she asks me

I nod still slightly shaking and she helps me undress and get into the tub. Once we were done she helped me dry off and get dressed. She brushed my long hair and helped me back to the bed. Damien walks in and Jessie whispers in his ear and he tenses and leaves. He comes over and sits on the edge of the bed and looks at me.

"Show me" he says

"Huh?" I say

"Isabella show me your stomach" He snaps

I flinch and raise my shirt up and he jumps up and walks out. But he turns right back around and walks towards me. I flinch when he get close and he sighs.

"Isabella I promised I wouldn't hurt you and I won't. Who did that?" He asks

"The man you told to bring me here" I whisper

He sighs and kisses the top of my head and walks out closing the door. A few minutes later a lady walks in with a tray and sits in on the bedside table. Right after a doctor walks in and towards me.

"Isabella, I'm Doc. Can I take a look at your stomach please?" He asks

I look at Zara and she nods and I nod at him. He raises my shirt and pokes around a bit and sighs.

"Alright it doesn't look like any ribs are broke just bruised. I want you to take these as needed for the pain and if anything else happens just have Fury call me" He says

I look at Zara and she sighs.

"He means Damien sweetheart" She tells me

"Alright" I whisper

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