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When your a hockey star all you care about is your game and all the puck bunnies you can get in your bed. I was the captain of the Hawks and I loved my life. We were currently celebrating another win and one of the teammates through a party. I was standing in the kitchen when my name was called.

"Wesley" I hear

I spin around to see Shawn waving me over.

"What's up man?" I say

"Do you know that chick?" He says nodding to a short brunette chick

i shake my head and walk towards her.

"Hello beautiful" I say

She looks me up and down and rolls her eyes and goes back to talking to her friend.

"Excuse me" I say

"Your excused" She says with a attitude

I was in shock that she was trying to ignore me.

"Scar" Someone shouts

She grins and hands her cup to her friend and takes off sprinting over to Blake. She jumps wrapping herself around him hugging him tight. I walk towards them and I hear her laughing.

"Damn girl stop eating" Blake says and puts her down

She smacks him and laughs.

"YOur just mad that I can eat more than you and not need to work out" She says doing a spin

"That I am little bit" He says

"OH hey Wesley" He says

"Blake" I say nodding

"Scarlette this is Wesley" He tells her

I smirk and she rolls her eyes at me

"I know." She says

"You met?" Blake asks

"NO. I know who he is. He's fucked his way through the whole campus" She says

"NOw wait a minute" I say

"Bro don't argue with her. LIttle cousin is on the debate team you will lose and you know your a man whore" Blake says

"Cousin" I say in shock

"Yes she is my cousin. And I will kick your ass. " He tells me

"OH trust me Blake you won't need to cause I know how to say no to a player." She says

"So you coming to the game Friday?" He asks her

"Of course. Now where is my jersey?" SHe asks

"On top of my dresser i'll grab it before you leave" He tells her

"Leave. Cousin your funny. I'm not going anywhere. I transferred here and i'm moving in with you" She says with a smirk

"The hell you are" He shouts

She flinches and her bottom lip trembled.

"Ah shit. Scar i'm sorry" He says

"Don't bother. I'll stay with Cassie" She says shoving his arm away from her

She stomps off and drags who i'm guessing is Cassie away.

"Son of a bitch. Damnit. Ugh she's gonna make me kiss her ass now. I'm gonna have to let her move in and then the parties will stop here." He groans

"Dude you don't have to let her and if she does why do the parties stop?" I ask

"Yes I do. And yes they will. Not my story to tell. I better go find her" He says sighing

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