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Pulling long hours at the hospital was slowly draining me. Don't get me wrong I love my job so much. I was heading to clock out when a intern stopped me. 

"Dr. Black, I'm sorry but there is a patient in the ER and they are asking for you" She tells me

I nod and take off running down to the ER. I walk in the small room and stop in my tracks. 

"Alina" I hear

"Tristian?" I say in shock

"Hey" He says

"What the hell did you do this time?"  I ask while shoving my hands in some gloves

I walk over and rip his shirt from his and I hear a chuckle. 

"Tank shut the hell up or I swear you will be in here with him" I snarl

I pull out the disinfectant and clean him up and start stitching him up. Once I was done I ripped off the gloves and shoved them in the trash. 

"Alina" I hear

"Get your papers from the front desk" I say with my back to him

"Ali" I hear

"No Tristian. Goodbye." I say 

I walk out and clock out and head for my car. When i get to it Tank was standing there. He opens his mouth and I hold up a hand stopping him and he closes his mouth. 

"Don't" I mumble

I unlock my car and I turn and face him and step forward wrapping my arms around his middle hugging him tight. His arms wrap around me and squeeze and I sigh. 

"Be safe" He says 

I nod into his chest and pull back and slide into my car and I drive home. 


I was walking to my car when I see Tank standing there panting. 

"Alina" He calls

"What?" I ask

"We need help" He says 

"I can't" I say

"Alina it's Holly" He says 

I groan and get in my car and take off to the club house. I pull in and get out and grab my bag and slam my door. I walk in and everyone stops talking.

"Where?" I ask

Tank leads me to a room and Holly laid there panting. I walk over and sit down and pull out a needle. I quickly give her something for the pain and stitch her up. Once I was done she grabbed my hand and I ripped it away from her. I gather my stuff and stand and walk out of the room not looking back. 

"Alina" I hear

I keep walking and I go straight to my car. 

"Do not call me or come see me again. If you do I will get a restraining order" I say 

I yank my car door open and I see shock on everyone's faces. I get in my car and drive away not once looking back. 


I walked in the front door and yawned. 

"Alina" I hear

"Hey babe" I say 

I drop into a seat and lay my head on the table and yawn. 

"Alina?" I hear

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