Mr. Mafia

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I was currently at a bar with some friends enjoying my night off when my fiancé walked in pissed the fuck off. He stomped over to me and grabbed my arm and drug me to a back corner in the dark. 

"What the fuck are you doing here?" He growls at me

"I'm here with my friends enjoying my night off" I say yanking my arm from him

I figure we were in public so he wouldn't do anything to hurt me but I was wrong. He back handed me across the face and I let out a scream. I had enough so I kneed him in the balls and took off running down the dark hallway. I could hear him chasing me when I slammed into a solid chest. I was shaking and crying when hands landed on me to steady me. 

"Woah there" A deep voice says

"Sorry" I say sniffling

"Kelsea get back here" I hear Jordan shout

I gasp and step around the stranger when Jordan comes into view. 

"Please" I whisper gripping the back of his shirt

"Have you seen a woman come through here?" Jordan asks

"No. Besides the back part of my club is private so get lost" The stranger growls

"Sorry man" Jordan says and walks away

I was shaking and my knees were wobbly. The stranger turned to face me and my legs gave out but he caught me. 

"Come on let's go to my office" He says picking me up

Two minutes later we entered a room and he kicked the door shut. He sits me on the couch and I keep my head down. He walks away and comes back and kneels in front of me. 

"Come on now look at me" He says

I look up and his face hardens. He sighs and presses a damp cloth to my face and I hiss and pull away a bit. 

"Come on now. It will only sting for a minute" He says

I nod and press my face to the cloth and grit my teeth. 

"Who is he?" He asks

"my fiancé" I whisper

He doesn't say anything he just takes his time cleaning me up.

"Do you have somewhere to go?" He asks

I shake my head and he sighs again. 

"Come on. I'll take you to my penthouse. You can stay there a few days" He tells me

"I can't stay with you" I say loudly

"I don't live there. I live in a mansion on the other side of town. The penthouse I use only when I have to stay in the city. It's empty and free so you can use it. I'll take you to get some of your things" He says

"How do you feel about dogs?" I ask softly

"House trained?" He asks harshly

"Yeah. I sent him to puppy school. He's my service dog" I tell him

"For?" He asks

"I have asthma and fainting spells. He also let's me know when my blood sugar drops to low" I say

"Alright. Let's get going it's late already" he tells me

I nod and I stand on shakey legs and sigh when I get my legs working. I follow him to his car and he drives me to my old apartment. When I get there i'm praying Jordan isn't home yet. I get out and the man follows me up and into my apartment. 

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