Second Chance Love

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Moving to New York had been my dream. I love it so much. I hated being away from my best friend but it was worth it when she got to visit. I was a lawyer and I was the best around. I was sitting in my office when my secretary stepped in. 

"Ms. Winters there is a man here to see you" He tells me

"Who is it Greyson?" I ask 

"He won't say" He tells me

I nod and he lets him in and River Collins steps in and I sigh. 

"It's ok Greyson. You can go to lunch" I tell him

"Lunch as usual?" He asks

"No i'm alright. Thank you" I tell him

He nods and closes the door and River stands there staring at me. 

"What do you want River?" I ask

"Hello to you to Cassandra" He says 

"HI River. Now what do you want?" I ask 

"I have a problem. Your the best and I need your help. You know i'm a Boxer. I'm also a millionaire. I run Collins Corp. I was seeing this girl. I slept with her once and now she is saying she is pregnant with my child. I stopped seeing her seven months ago. She is now showing up at my penthouse and causing a scene. I have called the cops and now I want to know if the baby is mine or not. She is stalking me now." He says plopping down in a chair with a sigh

"I charge" I start

"Cassa I don't care what you charge. Please just help me." He begs

"River do not interrupt me" I snap

"Sorry" He grumbles

"Now I charge $1100 a hour. If I work late it doubles now I know you didn't come empty handed" I say 

"Leo" He calls 

A man steps in with a huge folder and sits it on my desk and steps back. I open it and my eyes widen. I flip through it all and sigh. 

"First off we are going to file a restraining order. Second you aren't to be seen with any female til this is over. I know your a man whore but if you want me to help you follow my rules" I tell him

"understood." He says

"I get this filed and call you later when it is approved." I say

He jumps up and comes around my desk pulling me from my chair and hugging me. 

"i know you hate me Cass but thank you" He says

"Get off" I snap 

He steps back in shock and my door opens and Zander steps in.

"Oh sorry. I didn't know you were in a meeting. It's lunch time" He says 

"no problem babe. River was just leaving" I say

I can feel Rivers eyes on me but I don't look at him. River walks towards the door and I follow over to Zander and I lean up kissing him and River's facial expression hardens.  


It had been a few weeks sine I went and seen Cassandra and she did call and tell me that she got the restraining order. Now she was working on my case. I was currently in a bar sitting in a dark back corner of VIP when I see her at the bar. I slowly rise to my feet and make my way over to the railing to get a better look. A drink is placed in front of her and she takes a long drink and leans her head back sighing. I watched her like a hawk and then she looked up and caught me and smirked. She raised her glass to me and then downed the rest of it. She made her way to the dance floor and got lost in the music. I headed down towards her and notice she is way more drunk that I thought she was. I see her yank away from a man so I step up behind her and he pales and scurries away. 

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