Hockey Life

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Today is the day I purchased my new business. I bought myself a hockey team. I walked in to the rink and straight to my office to see Lacy already showed up early to have my furniture put in it's place. I smiled and reminded myself to give her a raise. I sighed and turned around and headed down to the rink to watch practice. I sat down and just watched and the coach nodded at me. I nodded back and he ended practice. I stood up and walked out onto the ice and some of the guys whistled. 

"Keep it together boys" I say smirking

"Boys this wonderful woman is your new boss. She is the owner of the Flyers." Coach says smirking

I watch a bunch of jaws drop and I smile sweetly. 

"Keep your comments to yourself and pick your jaws up off the floor. Yes I am the new boss lady and yes gentlemen I am a lady and from now you will follow all the rules or I have no problem cutting anyone. If you don't like it there is the door no one is making you stay and play and get paid. Coach will give you the new rules later today. I have meetings set up with all of you individually for us to chat and get to know one another. So Kane let's start with you. Meet me in twenty" I say 

I turn and walk off the ice and i can feel them staring after me and I smirk. I got back to my office and take a seat and wait on him to come in. I was going through files when a knock sounded on the door. 

"Come in" I say

In walks Kane and he closes the door and I nod for him to take a seat. 

"So Kane I see you have a problem with partying. I understand going out with the boys after a win or lose and having some beers. I'm all for a good beer but no more getting in trouble with the law. It happens again and your out" I say looking him dead in the eye

"what? I'm the captain" He roars

"Don't give two fucks. Your replaceable. Do I make myself clear?" I snap standing up over my desk staring at him

"Crystal" He says through clenched teeth

"Dismissed. Send someone else up" I say 

He gets up and leaves with a slam of the door and I sigh. He's gonna be a major pain in my ass. I slowly made it through meeting the rest of the players and then I headed home. By time I went to bed it was almost one in the morning and I was exhausted. My alarm went off to early the next morning. I quickly got dressed and headed to the office and when I got there my whole office was empty and when i looked on the ice all my furniture was out there and all the guys were standing around laughing. I walked down there and cleared my throat and they all spun around and gulped. 

"Get it back upstairs and then I want everyone out. Rink is on lockdown til I say otherwise or until someone wants to come forward and tell me who done this shit" I roar

They all flinch and they all look at one another. 

"Fine so be it. everyone out" I snap

I turn and take off back upstairs. 

Kane's POV

All the guys looked at me and I sighed. 

"Fine i'll go tell her." I say

"You better. We aren't gonna pay for your bullshit prank" Sharpie snaps at me and walks off

I sigh and head up to her office. I hear her on the phone so I stop and wait.

"I don't know about this. They are never going to take my seriously cause i'm a woman. I'm a billionaire and I love hockey but maybe this was a mistake." She says

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